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Community Feedback Update - 25 Novembre

Community Feedback Update - 25 Novembre

Blizzard fait le point sur le développement de Legacy of the Void. Cette semaine : les Missions en Coop, le Tank siège en Médivac, la touche F2, du Bunker et une nouvelle carte de test.

Community Feedback Update - 25 Novembre

Comme chaque semaine, Blizzard fait le point sur le développement futur de Legacy of the Void et sur les retours de la communauté.

- Une partie de la communauté s'est plainte du manque de difficulté des Missions en Coop, le nouveau mode de jeu, tandis qu'une autre partie des joueurs désirent une plus grande variété de missions/objectifs. Blizzard travaille à satisfaire les deux demandes.

- Le drop de Tanks en mode siège semble poser problème en TvT. En effet, cette nouveauté apporte un bonus de mobilité assez conséquent pour les compositions full mech ce qui était l'unique avantage des compositions bio face à elles. Une des solutions envisagées par Blizzard serait que le Tank repasse automatiquement en mode char lorsqu'il sera chargé dans un Médivac. A suivre.

- Bonne nouvelle pour les Protoss suicidaires : Blizzard va prochainement déployer un correctif pour que les tirs du Disrupteur ne soient plus sélectionnés avec la touche F2.

- De même, les Traqueurs protoss ne pourront prochainement plus Blink (Transfert) de la B3 à la base naturelle sur la carte les Tours du crépuscule.

- Suite aux retours des joueurs, Blizzard planche sur une refonte des améliorations du Bunker terran afin de les rendre plus intéressantes.

- Une carte de test sera mise en ligne la semaine prochaine afin de faire des essais sur l'enfouissement des Zergs (rapport aux groupes de contrôle et aux raccourcis). Sans pour le moment être convaincu par la direction à adopter, Blizzard va d'abord tester sur cette carte d'aligner l'enfouissement avec le switch de mode des terrans.


Blizzard sur Community Feedback Update - November 25 (Source)

Hello everyone! This week, we're going over fewer topics as it's a short week with the upcoming holiday, so let's get right into it.


Response to Feedback: "Co-op Missions are too easy"

Our designers are hard at work discussing/testing/iterating on a way to satisfy those of you who are looking for a greater challenge from Co-op Missions. We're definitely looking to add more challenging ways to play this mode in the near future. We also wanted to say thank you for your input, and that your suggestions are being discussed as well. We will provide you with more details once we know more.

We also want to reinforce that this is a game mode designed for everyone. So far, most of the feedback has been focused on making the mode more difficult. We've also seen a few discussions asking for more variety in Co-op Missions. Suggestions like this are exceptionally valuable because they improve the overall experience of Co-op Missions. We look forward to hearing more of your thoughts in areas like this as well.


Siege Tanks in Medivacs

Some of you out there have been pointing out concerns in this area, and we're currently watching this interaction. The potential issue with Siege Tank pickup is that Terran play seems to have become more heavily bio favored because of it. We believe this is happening because previously, bio had the advantage of mobility and the disadvantage of being less powerful versus mech in a heads-up fight. Mech has the strong front line, but its composition isn't mobile. Right now, due to Siege mode Tanks being so easy to relocate at a high pace (bio compositions naturally have a lot of Medivacs), we're seeing bio compositions simply never engage against a full mech army. This essentially removes the main advantage that the mech player has over bio.

If this turns out to be the case, we wonder if it's better to have Siege Tank pickup cause the unit to un-Siege. We're not 100% sure that this interaction is correct right now, so we'll keep a close watch in this area. Your thoughts regarding this are greatly welcome since nothing is decided on this front yet.


F2 selecting Disruptor shots

Thank you for your feedback here, and we agree that F2 shouldn't select the Disruptor shots. We will get this fixed soon.


Dusk Towers Stalker issue

Thank you for your feedback illustrating how Stalkers can blink from the 3rd location to the natural location on Dusk Towers. We'll get this fixed soon as well.


Bunker upgrade change

We agree with your feedback that this upgrade could use a redesign to something more interesting such as the popular suggestion of making them individual upgrades. We don't think it's such a pressing issue that it will break the game if we don't fix it, so we're going to take our time working on this change. But we can get discussions going in terms of what might be the most interesting thing to do here, and work on it over time. Thanks for this suggestion and please continue discussing how we could best address the Bunker upgrade.


Burrow/Unburrow test map

We noticed that there's some mix up with what exactly needs to be tested with this change. Some players are saying it should work like how Terran mode switches work, and others are saying that they still need to be in different sub groups. We wanted to clarify that the version we'd like to test in the next test map is the same as how the Terran mode switches work. We believe there's less reason to have the two abilities on two different hotkeys if they are on different sub-groups and players need to tab through anyways before issuing orders. We're planning on having this test map up next week, so please let us know how it feels after you test it out.

We also just wanted to thank everyone for having such constructive discussions and helping to create a more positive community experience around StarCraft II. Like we mentioned before, maintaining this is extremely important, especially at the start of a new game because many new gamers will visit sites such as the forums, Teamliquid, or Reddit to check out the game and community. We're very proud of everyone in that we have been able to work towards having such positivity and constructive discussions going, not only because it's just great for the development of the game going forward, but also because people who aren't so in tune with community topics will get a better idea of where the game is at. Let's continue the constructive and positive discussions as we continue working on StarCraft II. Thanks, everyone!



En Continu

19:30 "Ces idiots continuent de les acheter", ce jeu culte a rapporté moins d'argent qu'une monture sur WoW, et c'est un ancien employé de Blizzard qui l'explique
15:56 Blizzard : Cataclysme pour les joueurs chinois qui n'auront bientôt plus accès à ces jeux
13:30 Activision Blizzard : Après la chute, les affaires reprennent doucement !
18:00 WoW Dragonflight, Overwatch 2 : Les joueurs francophones sont-ils abandonnés par l'entreprise ?
18:00 Blizzard : Des chffres en hausse, la lumière au bout du tunnel ?
19:00 Activision Blizzard : Les chiffres s'écroulent... Le rachat par Microsoft fera-t-il du bien ?
06:00 BlizzCon : La conférence de l'éditeur de WoW et Diablo bientôt de retour ?
18:30 Activision Blizzard : L'éditeur de CoD et Diablo prend une décision surprenante
17:30 Activision Blizzard : Les choix catastrophiques continuent...
07:00 Activision Blizzard : Une excellente nouvelle historique pour l'industrie du jeu video !


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