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Team XenoDragons -  English Version - PGW : à la rencontre des Xeno Dragons

PGW : à la rencontre des Xeno Dragons
Team XenoDragons -  English Version
  • XenoDragons, la nouvelle structure eSport
  • Présentation des XenoDragons - Version française


This year in Paris, the Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) hosts for the first time a League of Legends women's tournament. For the occasion, eight teams from all over Europe are going to battle in order to win a $25,000 cashprize.

Among those 40 competitors, you might already know the Xeno Dragons. Formerly known as Dirty Diana, they recently distinguished themselves in a beautiful way on MilleniumTV LoL, in a showmatch versus the L2P, coached by Narkuss.

In order to highlight the female european competitive scene, we met the Xeno Dragons, who accepted to answer our questions.


The full Roster Xeno Dragons.


Interview with: Miss Blair, Inez, Komedyja.



[M] IronLokhi: Hello and thank you for accepting this interview. First, we are going to talk about the creation of your team: What was your goal in the beginning, why did you get into eSport ?


XD : First, Miss Blair created this team for fun, and, over time, we gained more and more experience. Therefore, we joined up for online women's tournaments organized by ESL. It allowed us to battle with teams throughout Europe. Although our number fluctuated over time, we succeeded in shining on the feminine scene.


[M]: Let's talk a bit more about the showmatch you had on MilleniumTV against L2P : how did you feel about this match?


XD : First of all, we were pretty confident about ourselves, because the experience we have together gave us the advantage over their quite young team. However,we were impressed when we saw the hype for the L2P. And, on top of that, we didn't expect that almost 5,000 people would watch the broadcasting.



Avain, the support was shining with her Thresh during the match versus L2P.


[M]: You have been selected for the Electronic Sports Worlds Cup (ESWC) in Paris, how do you feel about that, knowing it's in a month ?


XD: We feel very honoured for being chosen among the eight teams which will take part in this prestigious tournament. We train hard to be able to win the first place. We are both determined and confident, because, except the unKnight Ladies team, we know the other lines-up listed at the ESWC well. Miss Blair, our captain, has been in the feminine scene for more than two years, she knows this environment perfectly.


[M] Do you fear playing on stage, in front of an audience in a foreign country ?


XD : I admit that for most of us, it will be the first time we go to Paris, only our support, Avain, has been there before. Moreover, we don't have a lot of experience on stage, although Komedyja took part in some. There is a pressure towards this event but we're looking forware to being there, this tournament will allow us to see each other.


How Xeno Dragons will perform facing a large audience ?


[M] The championship will take place at the end of the month, are you training hard, or do you plan your practices?

Xeno Dragons: We train as much as possible. It's not that easy to join the five of us together, but we manage to organize scrims regularly with other teams participating in the ESWC. We also Solo and Duo Queue a lot on Western and Eastern Europe servers.


Veggie : former LCS coach of team ROCCAT during season 4.


[M] During the trainings, you can count on Fryderyk «Veggie» Kaziol, former LCS coach of the Roccat team during season 4. What did he bring to your team? Does he help you for your champion pool?


Xeno Dragons: Veggie doesn't impose any champion, strictly speaking. He points out our strong points and does a huge work of micro-managing in order to improve our vision in game and our lane phase as well as other features in the game. Thanks to his help, we think we are able to win the ESWC.

[M] Thanks a lot for this interview, we wish you a lot of success and the best to come.



{#fr} XenoDragons

Joanna « Mysh » Pigla - Toplaner
Urszula « Miss Blair » Wiertel - Jungler
Agnieszka « Inez » Grabowsca - Midlaner
Olimpia « Komedyja » Cichosz - Carry AD
Kaja « Avain » Politowicz - Support


Souvenez_vous, le tournoi Asus Rog à la PGW 2014


  • XenoDragons, la nouvelle structure eSport
  • Présentation des XenoDragons - Version française
  • Team XenoDragons -  English Version
FloowZ il y a 8 ans

RIP Xenodragons, une team managée par les pros des échecs niveau LineUp LoL..

pipo59 il y a 8 ans

GL and HF LT rico ^^ avec un manager de ce calibre il a moyen de faire une bonne équipe

pipo59 il y a 8 ans

GL and HF LT rico ^^ avec un manager de ce calibre il a moyen de faire une bonne équipe

Aerow il y a 8 ans

Hey ! Ya t-il un lien vers le redif du match L2P vs DD ? L'aurais-je loupé ?

Aerow il y a 8 ans

Hey ! Ya t-il un lien vers le redif du match L2P vs DD ? L'aurais-je loupé ?

Aerow il y a 8 ans

Hey ! Ya t-il un lien vers le redif du match L2P vs DD ? L'aurais-je loupé ?

pipo59 il y a 8 ans

bonne chance papy bjoran ^^

Irish il y a 8 ans

J'ai compris que les joueuses étaient polonaises mais Xeno dragons, c'est un un projet FR ou polonais? Sachant que même le coach est polonais, ca risque pas d'être compliqué pour gérer ca? Les filles vont-elles venir en France, sur le long terme ou Bjoran ira t-il au beau pays?

Irish il y a 8 ans

J'ai compris que les joueuses étaient polonaises mais Xeno dragons, c'est un un projet FR ou polonais? Sachant que même le coach est polonais, ca risque pas d'être compliqué pour gérer ca? Les filles vont-elles venir en France, sur le long terme ou Bjoran ira t-il au beau pays?

lorindil il y a 8 ans

Je comprends mieux ce que disait à demi mot Narkuss quand il parlait du fait que son équipe féminine n'ait pas de slot pour la PGW.

lorindil il y a 8 ans

Je comprends mieux ce que disait à demi mot Narkuss quand il parlait du fait que son équipe féminine n'ait pas de slot pour la PGW.

IronLokhi il y a 8 ans

@Bayta c'est bien le bon compte facebook.

Dreaa il y a 8 ans

Il y a un site, une page FB ou on peut retrouver les infos ?

Dreaa il y a 8 ans

Il y a un site, une page FB ou on peut retrouver les infos ?

Dreaa il y a 8 ans

Il y a un site, une page FB ou on peut retrouver les infos ?


En Continu

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