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English Version - Interview de M Creaton

Interview de M Creaton
English Version
  • Interview

Jakub « Creaton » Grzegorzewski is the brand new AD Carry for Millenium. Today he is answering some questions about the new season, the past tournaments and his Ezreal for Millenium. This interview is coming at the right time seeing that he just joined Millenium.


Obodrel : Hi Creaton and thanks a lot for giving us some of your time to answer our questions. Long time ago we were already doing this and it is high time to get some news from you. Recently you had some changes in your carrer accepting Millenium as a sponsor for your team. You said you feel great about this changes on your facebook page, but how do you think the future will be ? A new Gaming House in Köln, a new life ?

Creaton : Yes I hope we will get a new Gaming House as soon as possible in Cologne. Wouldn't say it's gonna be an epic improvement, because we had a Gaming House 2 hours away from Cologne, before, in a small village, but it's definitely gonna help us a lot.

Back in the days you were first with ATN in the Summer LCS and then you broke your hand. But you managed to come back to the highest level, again. How did you manage to come back that fast ?

Creaton : I dont really know how. I always learn and improve very fast. Right now maybe I'm on the « highest level » in terms of mechanics, but I still believe that I can improve my skills.

It is said that Creaton is Ezreal and Ezreal is Creaton. Few players are still playing him in Europe and North America. Although it is a main pick in Korea and we saw AD Carry like Arrow or Imp doing well on him, if you haven't seen it. Do you still think Ezreal is your champion or did you prepare some new AD Carry for the upcoming season ?

Creaton : Ezreal is my fav ! When I have no idea of what I should play I go for him. He's still a really strong pick and I don't think he's that far behind Jinx and Lucian.

Speaking of this champion, is he still your favorite in the game ? And could you explain the reasons why ?

Creaton : Yes, he is. Don't really know why, but I have a lot of fun playing that champion.

A month ago you fought against Counter Logic Gaming. The duel botlane DoubleLift Creaton made a huge impact on the community. Both time your botlane won the early game, but DoubleLift was still the late game beast. What's your feeling about this huge match and how did you prepare this match with your team ?

Creaton : I feel like I played ok in terms of mechanics, but I felt off in late game. I didn't feel really good, I hadn't slept that much the day before. I was just confused. We had a lot of problems with flights, Araneae arrived the day before the tournament and we couldn't practice for 3 days and that had a huge impact on our gameplay. For example in the first game, with such a big advantage we couldn't close it off.

Let's go back onto the LCS and your goal this split. You are part of the major league with seven other teams. Some new AD Carry are coming and some old are leaving. Who do you fear the most as AD Carry and team?

Creaton : I don't really fear anyone personally. When I play against someone « hyped » or I just feel like he is really good, I try my best and play even better. Don't get me wrong, I always try my best, but it's just on a different level, it's something in me. As for teams, i think Fnatic, Gambit and Alliance will be the hardest ones.

In real life, what are your goals in this split as a player, will you stream for the community, will you meet the crowd or anything else ?

Creaton : I would like to stream a lot, because it gives me a lot of fun and I realised that people like it.

Recently Kiedys Mialem Team joined the LCS. How do you feel seeing your ex-mates achieving to go to the LCS ?

Creaton : I was really happy for them when they qualified. They have 5 great players, I've played with 4 of them before. I hope they will do well, looking forward to face them.

Do you watch GPL or OGN? What do you think about these leagues and teams?

Creaton : Lately not really, because I had a little Christmas break, so I'm not really up to date, but usually I try to watch OGN as much as I can for some cool moves that I can use there in Europe.

Worldwide who's your favorite player and why, if you got one of course ? And who are the best player and the best team ?

Creaton : As AD carry I think it's Piglet. His skill shocked me at the World Championship. Nothing else to say. The best team would be SKT1 since they won the Worlds, I'd say.

Let's speak about the new season, everything has changed. The new tank sustain meta toplane, for example. To your mind, is it still enjoyable to play toplane, and even ADC, with such champions ? What's the impact of these champions on the ADC role?

Creaton : I think AD carries are more enjoyable now, because we have more champions to play. Toplane for me was always like this. Two guys fighting each other on another island.

The vision has completely changed in this season. With the limitation to three wards and the visible infinite pink the game is all new. Are you still feeling safe and confident in botlane with gold item start and the lack of wards early ?

Creaton : Sometimes I feel really insecure, but there are a lot of situations where I have to act like I'm confident even if i'm not just to apply pressure.

Do you have any other views about this upcoming season in terms of items, teams, or anything else ?

Creaton : Not really. With items I leave everything to RIOT :P .

To conclude, if you have any last word to say to all your fans around the world, feel free to say anything ! Thanks for this interview and keep going !

Creaton : Thanks everyone for supporting us, we really appreciate that. Without you it wouldn't be the same.

Written by Obodrel and realised by RVinceZ

  • Interview
  • English Version
Ylrahc il y a 10 ans

Creaton, l'AD carry injustement oublié en Europe, pour moi le plus gros talent avec Rekkles Et Tabbz. Gl hf :)

Devildoudou il y a 10 ans

C'est vrai que le "Pour les objets je laisse tout à Riot" fait un peu pauvre mais ça n'enlève rien à son immense talent de joueur.<br /> <br /> (en espérant qu'il ait retenus la leçon : même bourré mur > main :) )

Maniaki il y a 10 ans

Les questions sont plus longues que les réponses xD<br /> <br /> Dommage qu'il en dise pas un peu plus

armody il y a 10 ans

"deux types qui se tapent dessus dans leur coin" Welcome to toplane ^^

DocStark33 il y a 10 ans

Montre nous ce que tu as dans le ventre !


En Continu

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