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English version - Rated, Millenium & la Gfinity S2

Rated, Millenium & la Gfinity S2
English version
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Further to the recent events that had occured in Gfinity Pro League during the match featuring Millenium against Epsilon, our player Rhys « Rated » Price has been suspended from the competition until the end of Season 2.

Despite this disappointment, Millenium and its substitute will join a bootcamp over several days starting from tomorrow inside Millenium and eSport Arena’s premises. These optimal conditions will allow them to practice in the best possible way for the huge upcoming deadlines, including the Gfinity Pro League’s last matches which are played offline in London.

The Millenium eSport director, Rémy « Llewellys » Chanson, announces on his side the measures taken towards Rated.


Rémy « Llewellys » Chanson regarding the situation of M CoD’s roster.

It’s a tough situation to have a banned player, especially by a prestigious organization such as Gfinity.

I confess having understood the discontentment that the team expresses following the referee’s decision, but Millenium obviously can’t endorse the following slippages, that’s why Rated will be financially punished by a 400€ fine and won’t take part in the bootcamp at the eSport Arena.

However, the team maintains Rated in the roster and Samishh will explain to you how Millenium CoD will operate over the next month.


Rated insisted on apologizing in public, after the excuses already made in private.


Rhys « Rated » Pryce about his banishment in Gfinity

As some of you may know I was banned from the rest of season 2 In the Gfinity League, I have already and would like to once again apologise to Gfinity about the homophobic comments made, was an over the top reaction to a situation that could have been dealt better on both sides.

I will still be in Millenium and myself, Madcat, Joe & Gotaga will get back to practicing together on the 31st of this month. I would like to wish my team the best of luck in the sticky situation I have left them in for the remainder of the season.


The team manager Samy « Samishh » Mazouzi explains what will happen to the roster.


Samy « Samishh » Mazouzi concerning the substitution for Pro League

After the banishment of Rhys « Rated » Price from the rest of the season Gfinity Pro League for abusive remarks, we had to focus on an unpredictable change within the roster.

We must bear in mind that the choices were quite restricted considering that we are talking about a substitute place for only two weeks.

The concerned player has been found and will be announced during the opening of transfers this Friday.

Players will all gather on the 20th in Paris within Millenium’s premises in order to practice in the best conditions that a professional athlete could imagine.

We would like to thank you again for your support and we will do everything we can to carry it to the first step of the podium.


In the meantime, you can find Millenium in Gfinity Pro League this Friday at 21:00 against Spirit Gaming. Transfers within the competition taking place only after this confrontation, it’s Jacko who will assist Gotaga, Joee and MadCat. Our new substitute will then play along with the latter for the rest of the season. Gfinity being very demanding about respecting the period of transfers for any announcement, please be patient and understanding until Friday before we can unveil the official name of the concerned player.

- Cakeboy

  • Version française
  • English version
eTorAken il y a 8 ans

Très content de voir Rémy sanctionner un joueur Millenium pour mauvaise conduite. On en rêvait, il l'a fait !

NeiLuP il y a 8 ans

Je suis d'accord avec vous, Moose est sûrement la réponse à nos questions =)

Zangdaard il y a 8 ans

Je te rejoins sur ton idée Skyp et je pencherais même plus vers Moose à qui ça permettrais de jouer en attendant à nouveau les grands mouvements en europe à la fin de la saison 2 Gfinity!

Skypper il y a 8 ans

Moose ou Gunshy, a mon avis ce sera sûrement un ancien de TCM qui viendra épauler Millenium pour la fin de saison

WhiTe PenGoiN il y a 8 ans

Il s'agit en fait d'une coquille, ce n'est pas MarkyB. Mais bon, tu verras par toi-même vendredi ;)

iNoVaZz il y a 8 ans

quand on mets dans le lien "gotaga-joee-markyb" on peut se douter de qui sera le remplaçant... lol


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