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Bonus de sets - Armures Warlords of Draenor

Armures Warlords of Draenor
Bonus de sets
  • Présentation
  • Actualités (01/09/14)
  • Chaman
  • Chasseur
  • Chevalier de la Mort
  • Démoniste
  • Druide
  • Guerrier
  • Mage
  • Moine
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  • Autres sets
  • Équipements transmogrifiables

Warlords of Draenor

À WoD, comme à chaque extension de nouvelles armures vont être ajoutés à WoW, Warlords of Draenor ne fera pas exception à la règle.


Lundi 23 juin 2014


MMO Champion sur Item Set Bonuses (Source)

Death Knight

- Item - Death Knight T17 Blood 2P Bonus (New) : While Bone Shield is active, your rune regeneration rate is increased by 10%.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 2P Bonus : When Rune of Cinderglacier activates, you gain the Frostbite effect. Frostbite makes your next Obliterate consume no runes.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P : Bonus While Pillar of Frost is active all of your special attacks deal 10% additional damage as Frost damage.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 4P Bonus : Scourge Strike deals its shadow damage a second time at 50% of normal damage.



- Item - Druid T17 Balance 2P Bonus : Reduces the cast time of Wrath and Starfire by 15%.

- Item - Druid T17 Balance 4P Bonus (New) : Reduces the cooldown of Celestial Alignment by 45 sec.

- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Shred critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Berserk by 5.

- Item - Druid T17 Feral 4P Bonus : While Berserk is active, special attacks cause a Gushing Wound on the target. Gushing Wound deals 15% of the damage of the special attack to the target over until cancelled.

- Item - Druid T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of the heal over time generated by Genesis by 2 sec.



- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus : Kill Command has a 25% chance to increase the size and damage of your pet by 10% for until cancelled.

- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus : While Bestial Wrath is active, one additional pet is summoned to fight with you.

- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 4P Bonus : Aimed Shot critical strikes have a chance to call down an artillery strike on your target, dealing 10 damage. (Approximately procrppm procs per minute)

- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 2P Bonus : Increases the Focus restored from Serpent Sting by 2.

- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus : When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, you gain the Rapid Shot effect. Rapid Shot increases your haste by 10%, stacking up to 0 times.



- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 2P Bonus : After using Evocation, you gain the Arcane Affinity. Arcane Affinity reduces the cast time and mana cost of Arcane Blast by 10%.for until cancelled.

- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 4P Bonus : When you gain an Arcane Charge, you have a chance to gain the Arcane Instability effect. Arcane Instability increases the number of missiles your next Arcane Missiles will fire by 10.

- Item - Mage T17 Fire 2P Bonus : Casting Inferno Blast grants you the Firestarter effect. Firestarter reduces the cast time of your next fireball by 2,000%.

- Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus : When Hot Streak activates, you have a 10% chance to gain the Pyromaniac effect. Pyromaniac causes all Pyroblasts to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for until cancelled.

- Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus : Frost critical strikes have a chance to strike the target with an Ice Shard, dealing 1 extra damage to the target.



- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 4P Bonus : Keg Smash now has 2 additional charge.

- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 2P Bonus : Soothing Mist now chains to 1 extra target, but the healing is reduced by 50% on the second target.

- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker 4P Bonus : While Tigereye Brew's damage effect is active, you gain Forceful Winds. Forceful Winds increases multistrike damage by 2% per stack of Tigereye Brew consumed.



- Item - Paladin T17 Holy 2P Bonus : When you cast Word of Glory, you gain Light's Favor, which lets you cast a free Light of Dawn at 25% effectiveness. When you cast Light of Dawn, you gain Lawful Words, which lets you cast a free Word of Glory at 25% effectiveness.

- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 2P Bonus : Judgment has a 101% chance to immediately deal 10% of the total damage of your Censure effect to the target.

- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 4P Bonus Using Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm has a 30% chance to empower you with Crusader's Fury. Crusader's Fury allows the use of Hammer of Wrath regardless of your target's current health.



- Item - Priest T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Faithful increases your haste by 10% for 6 sec. Prayer of Mending jumps to 1 additional Ltarget:targets.

- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 2P Bonus : Mind Blast deals an additional 10% of its damage over until cancelled to the target.

- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 4P Bonus : Each time Devouring Plague deals damage over time, you gain the Mental Instinct effect. Mental Instinct increases your haste by 10%, stacking up to 0 times.



- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus : Mutilate critical strikes restore 10 energy.

- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 4P Bonus (New) : Envenom also instantly deals 35% of the damage of your Deadly Poison on the target.

- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 4P Bonus : When you use a finishing move, there is a 25% chance to gain the Deceit effect. Deceit makes your next Eviscerate consume no Energy and count as if you had 5 combo points.

- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 4P Bonus Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%. While Shadow Dance is active, your special attacks deal 10% additional damage as Shadow damage to the target.



- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 2P Bonus : Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a chance to activate the Thundercaller effect. Thundercaller causes your next 5 offensive spell casts to also strike the target with lightning.

- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 2P Bonus : Windfury Weapon now deals 2 extra attacks.

- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 4P Bonus : Stormstrike reduces the cooldown of Feral Spirit by 5 sec.

- Item - Shaman T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Targets healed by your Chain Heal spell receive an additional 15% of the healing received over time.



- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 2P Bonus : While channeling Drain Soul on a target afflicted by your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony, the chance for Nightfall to activate is increased by 5%.

- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 4P Bonus : When Nightfall activates, the cooldown of Dark Soul is reduced by 10 sec.

- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 4P Bonus : Shadowbolt has a 50% chance empower your inner demon, temporarily bringing your Metamorphosis form out even while you are not transformed.

- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 4P Bonus : Consuming an ember reduces the cooldown of Dark Soul by 5 sec.



- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 2P Bonus : Slam critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Recklessness by 5 sec.

- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 4P Bonus : Colossus Smash has a 50% chance to grant you the Deadly Calm effect. Deadly Calm reduces the Rage cost and cooldown of your Mortal Strike by 50% for 10 sec.

- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 2P Bonus : Wild Strike critical strikes have a 50% chance to activate Enrage.

- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 4P Bonus : When you activate Recklessness, you also gain the Rampage effect. Rampage increases your attack speed and critical strike chance by 0% every second Recklessness is active.



Mercredi 11 juin 2014


MMO Champion sur New Set Bonuses (Source)

Death Knight

- Item - Death Knight T17 Blood 4P Bonus : Activating Vampiric Blood now also imbues you with Bloodstained Armor. Bloodstained Armor increases your bonus armor by 10 for 10 sec.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Frost Strike by 10%.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus : While Pillar of Frost is active, you also gain Frostbite. Frostbite increases your mastery by 10 for 20 sec.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Death Coil by 10%.

- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 4P Bonus : Increases the damage bonus of your Ghoul while under Dark Transformation by 10%.

- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP 2P Bonus : Using Death Grip on a target grants you the Morbid Strike effect. Morbid Strike increases the damage of your next special attack by 1,000%.

- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP Frost 4P Bonus : When you have Freezing Fog active, your next Howling Blast will apply Biting Cold to all targets it hits. Biting Cold increases Frost damage taken by 1,000% for8 sec.

- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP Unholy 4P Bonus : When you activate Dark Transformation, you gain the Death Dealer effect. Death Dealer increases Shadow damage dealt by 20% for 15 sec.



- Item - Druid T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Rejuvenation by 10%.

- Item - Druid WoD PvP Balance 2P Bonus : When you activate Celestial Alignment, you gain the Equinox effect. Equinox increases your mastery by 10.

- Item - Druid WoD PvP Balance 4P Bonus : Rejuvenation ticks have a 5% chance to trigger Shooting Stars. Shooting Stars restores 1 charge of Starsurge and Starfall.

- Item - Druid WoD PvP Feral 4P Bonus : Shred critical strikes cause Bloodletting on the target. Bloodletting increases all bleed damage taken by 10% for 6 sec.

- Item - Druid WoD PvP Restoration 4P Bonus : Increases the bonus healing from Nature's Swiftness to 100%.

- Item - Druid T17 Balance 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Moonfire and Sunfire by 10%.

- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Reduces the Energy cost of Ferocious Bite by 15.

- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Shred by 10%.

- Item - Druid T17 Guardian 2P Bonus : Applying Tooth and Claw to a target generates 1 rage.

- Item - Druid T17 Guardian 4P Bonus : Frenzied Regeneration counts as if you had used 10 more rage when used.



- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.

- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Bestial Wrath by 2 sec.

- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.

- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 4P Bonus : Activating Rapid Fire also grants you Deadly Aim. Deadly Aim increases your critical strike damage by 10%.

- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 2P Bonus : Increases the Focus restored from Viper Venom by 2.

- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Explosive Shot by 10%.

- Item - Hunter WoD PvP 2P Bonus : When your Freezing Trap activates, you and your pet gain 1,000 Focus.

- Item - Hunter WoD Survival PvP 4P Bonus : Casting Black Arrow automatically activates Lock and Load. Lock and Load causes your next two Explosive Shots within 12 sec to cost no Focus and trigger no cooldown.



- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Arcane Blast by 10%.

- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 4P Bonus : Increases the damage bonus of Arcane Power by 10%.

- Item - Mage T17 Fire 2P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Inferno Blast by 2 sec.

- Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Pyroblast by 10%.

- Item - Mage T17 Frost 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Frostbolt by 10%.

- Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus : When you activate Icy Veins, you also gain Arctic Power. Arctic Power increases your Multistrike damage by 10% for 20 sec.

- Item - Mage WoD PvP Fire 4P Bonus : Casting Scorch generates one stack of Ignition. Ignition reduces the cast time and increases the critical strike chance of Fireball by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.

- Item - Mage WoD PvP Frost 2P Bonus : Frozen Orb now explodes at the end of its duration, dealing 1 Frost damage to all nearby enemies.



- Item - Monk WoD PvP Mistweaver 4P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 45 sec.

- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Tigereye Brew by 3 sec.

- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker/Brewmaster 2P Bonus : When you use Roll, you gain Heightened Senses. Heightened Senses reduces the Energy cost of your next Jab by 50.

- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 2P Bonus : Guard absorbs 10% more damage.

- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 4P Bonus : When you dodge an attack while Elusive Brew is active, you generate $165,356 Energy.

- Item - Monk T17 Elusive Brew Proc Driver :

- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of Enveloping Mist by 1 sec.

- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 4P Bonus : Something cool increases your spirit by 1%.

- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver Spirit Buff : Increases the duration of Enveloping Mist by 0 sec.

- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker2P Bonus : Increases the extra periodic damage or healing from Blackout Kick by 10%.

- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker4P Bonus : Fists of Fury generates 4 stacks of Tigereye Brew.

- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker/Brewmaster 2P Bonus : When you use Roll, you gain Heightened Senses. Heightened Senses reduces the Energy cost of your next Jab by 50. Instant.



- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Holy 4P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Sacrifice by 10.

- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Protection 2P Bonus : Targets hit by your Hammer of Justice take 1% more damage for until cancelled.

- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Retribution 2P Bonus : While Avenging Wrath is active, you gain Righteous Determination. Righteous Determination reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects on yourself by 50%.

- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Retribution 4P Bonus : Spending Holy Power imbues you with Vindicator's Fury. Vindicator's Fury increases your damage and healing by 1% per Holy Power spent for 8 sec.

- Item - Paladin T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Word of Glory and Light of Dawn by 10%.

- Item - Paladin T17 Protection 2P Bonus : When Grand Crusader activates, your armor is imbued with Faith Barricade. Faith Barricade increases your bonus armor by 10 for 5 sec.

- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Crusader Strike by 10%.

- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 4P Bonus : Using Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm empowers you with Crusader's Fury. Crusader's Fury increases all damage dealt by 5% for 5 sec.

- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Protection 2P Effect : Targets hit by your Hammer of Justice take 1% more damage for until cancelled. Instant.



- Item - Priest T17 Discipline 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of Penance by 1 sec.

- Item - Priest T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Casting a Holy Word spell grants you the Faithful effect. Faithful increases your haste by 10% for 6 sec.

- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Mind Blast by 10%.

- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Devouring Plague by 10%.



- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.

- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%.

- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 4P Bonus : Increases the chance for Revealing Strike to generate an extra Combo Point by 10%.

- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%.

- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 4P Bonus : While Shadow Dance is active, you gain the Quick Blades effect. Quick Blades generates 10 Energy every 1 sec for 10 sec.

- Item - Rogue WoD PvP 2P Bonus : Successfully interrupting a spell with Kick generates 3 combo points.

- Item - Rogue WoD PvP Combat 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Killing Spree by 1 sec.



- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 10%.

- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 4P Bonus : Lava Burst deals an additional 10% of its damage over 2 sec to the target.

- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Stormstrike by 10%.

- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 4P Bonus : Stormstrike reduces the cooldown of 5 sec.

- Item - Shaman T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Chain Heal by 10%.

- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Elemental 2P Bonus : While Ascendance is active, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects.

- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Elemental 2P Effect : While Ascendance is active, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects. Instant.

- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Enhancement 2P Bonus : When you activate Feral Spirit, you gain the

- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Restoration 4P Bonus : When the target of your Earth Shield drops below 35% health, Earth Shield will immediately consume up to 3 charges.



- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Unstable Affliction by 10%.

- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 4P Bonus : Increases the periodic damage bonus of Haunt by 10%.

- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Shadow Bolt and Touch of Chaos by 10%.

- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 4P Bonus : Corruption has a 10% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul'dan when dealing damage.

- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Incinerate by 10%.

- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 4P Bonus : When Immolate deals damage it has a 10% chance to add a charge to Conflagrate.

- Item - Warlock WoD PvP Demonology 4P Bonus : When your Corruption or Doom effects are dispelled, you gain 100 Demonic Fury.

- Item - Warlock WoD PvP Destruction 4P Bonus : Conflagrate generates 1 extra stacks of Backdraft.



- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Arms 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Mortal Strike by 50%.

- Item - Warrior WoD PvP DPS 4P Bonus : While Recklessness is active, getting a critical strike with a special attack will increase the duration of Recklessness by 1 sec.

- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Fury 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Bloodthirst by 50%.

- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Protection 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Shield Slam by 50%.

- Item - Warrior WoD Tank DPS 4P Bonus : You now generate Rage from taking damage.

- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 10%.

- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 4P Bonus : Execute deals 10% more damage to targets affected by Colossus Smash.

- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 2P Bonus : Increases the critical strike chance of Bloodthirst by 10%.

- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 4P Bonus : Raging Blow now generates 10 Rage.

- Item - Warrior T17 Protection 2P Bonus : Shield Slam has a 25% chance to grant the Shield Master effect. Shield Master increases your bonus armor by 10 for 6 sec.

- Item - Warrior T17 Protection 4P Bonus : Shield Block lasts 2 sec longer.

- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Tank 4P Rage Gain : Generates rage based on damage taken. Instant.


  • Présentation
  • Actualités (01/09/14)
  • Chaman
  • Chasseur
  • Chevalier de la Mort
  • Démoniste
  • Druide
  • Guerrier
  • Mage
  • Moine
  • Paladin
  • Prêtre
  • Voleur
  • Autres sets
  • Équipements transmogrifiables
  • Bonus de sets
Bigors il y a 10 ans

Woah c'est pas terrible du tout... On dirait des transformers les trucs.

Santos il y a 10 ans

T17 dk j'adhère complètement pas :s . Le style Chevalier de la mort n'y ai pas du tout.

Toaster il y a 10 ans

C'est affreux.

Wavoxys il y a 10 ans

Ah ! Avec cette couleur le T17 mage leur va déjà beaucoup mieux !

Xiaoh il y a 10 ans

@Rumïnelfaé c'est corrigé, merci :)

Rumïnelfaé il y a 10 ans

je clic sur démoniste et je tombe sur la page dk ... j'écris ce message et je pars juste derriere ;)

dagoûu il y a 10 ans

C'est laid, criard et ringard. Pas de doute c'est du wow!

Wavoxys il y a 10 ans

Le nouveau set rogue doit être magnifique sur UD.

Diamanora il y a 10 ans

Le set palouf est clairement inspiré du t4,mais ça s'arrète la c'eat clairement pas les mêmes formes, comme le casque par exemple le t4 était ouvert, d'ailleurs c'est le casque que j'aime pas sur le set.<br /> <br /> Par contre les autres set visibles, ça n'a rien à voir avec les t4.

Aciera il y a 10 ans

Il y à une explication au niveau du lore concernant les stats plus puissante de ces armures alors que c'est dans le passé(et donc normalement moins bien)

Charlix80 il y a 10 ans

Une super nouvelle la suppression des token lfr !!

Wavoxys il y a 10 ans

Tiens, le S1 Mail est joli avec cet effet de cape. Sinon, certains stuff sont pas super réussi...<br /> <br /> Edit : Ouais, c'est pas le S1, mais le premier set PvP de WoD, vous m'aurez compris :p

Amendair il y a 10 ans

Pour ce qui est des stuffs LFR, y'en a un pour chaque type (tissu, cuir, mailles, plaques) en vidéo sur ce site :

Wavoxys il y a 10 ans

Arestar, faudrait pas abuser non plus. C'est inspiré du T4, mais il y a absolument tout qui change malgré les couleurs qui sont les mêmes (Le pantalon notamment). Moi je te l'accorde, c'est de pompé du T4. Mais faut pas abuser quoi. Non. Le T3 et le T7, CA, c'est des textures mises à jour. <br /> Désolé, mais c'est agaçant. <br /> <br /> Ps : D'un côté, c'est logique qu'il fasse penser au T4. C'est une armure que les paladins Draenei utilisaient.<br /> <br /> Sinon, un des plus beaux set war. Tout simplement magnifique.

Varo34 il y a 10 ans

Vraiment très sympa le T17 guerrier, à mon gout en tout cas, il fait vraiment Horde de Fer.

Arestar il y a 10 ans

Ouais enfin c'est juste le T4 avec des textures "à jour", donc bon, niveau originalité... =)<br /> <br /> Au moins ça a l'avantage d'être classique, et donc efficace.

Santos il y a 10 ans

Le T17 est le set pala le plus beau que j'ai jamais vu :O


En Continu

09:55 "L'un des pires films que j'aie jamais vu", l'ancien patron d'Activision-Blizzard a détesté le film Warcraft et il le fait savoir
10:20 WoW avait presque réussi à réaliser le rêve des fans de RP, mais le MMO a finalement tout gâché...
20:03 Plus de 20 ans après sa sortie, le Housing arrive enfin sur WoW et voici toutes les infos qu'il faut savoir avant de vous lancer
23:51 Ces 5 fonctionnalités de WoW que Blizzard pensait bonnes mais qui sont en fait très mauvaises...
15:35 Cette race de WoW est privée de Saint-Valentin : elle ne pourra pas participer au nouvel événement du MMO
18:57 WoW : Une nouvelle monture super rare est à récupérer, mais vous n'avez que quelques jours pour le faire
11:31 Comptoir Février WoW : Comment obtenir facilement l'Ensemble : habit de la fête lunaire rose orné ?
11:02 De l'amour dans l'air WoW : Tout savoir sur l'événement saisonnier du mois de février pour The War Within
15:49 WoW : De nouvelles récompenses arrivent sur ce mode de jeu, mais vous risquez d'être déçus...
00:16 WoW : Les pires donjons du MMO seront bientôt plus faciles et avec du bien meilleur loot



Comptoir Février WoW : Comment obtenir facilement l'Ensemble : habit de la fête lunaire rose orné ?
De l'amour dans l'air WoW : Tout savoir sur l'événement saisonnier du mois de février pour The War Within
Parure nérub'ar WoW : Comment les obtenir pour le bonus FIlaments tranchés de The War Within ?


à découvrir

De l'amour dans l'air WoW : Tout savoir sur l'événement saisonnier du mois de février pour The War Within
Comptoir Février WoW : Comment obtenir facilement l'Ensemble : habit de la fête lunaire rose orné ?
Marque de spéléologue suprême WoW : Où en trouver et comment l'échanger contre votre set de classe ?