À WoD, comme à chaque extension de nouvelles armures vont être ajoutés à WoW, Warlords of Draenor ne fera pas exception à la règle.
Lundi 23 juin 2014

Death Knight
- Item - Death Knight T17 Blood 2P Bonus (New) : While Bone Shield is active, your rune regeneration rate is increased by 10%.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 2P Bonus : When Rune of Cinderglacier activates, you gain the Frostbite effect. Frostbite makes your next Obliterate consume no runes.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P : Bonus While Pillar of Frost is active all of your special attacks deal 10% additional damage as Frost damage.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 4P Bonus : Scourge Strike deals its shadow damage a second time at 50% of normal damage.
- Item - Druid T17 Balance 2P Bonus : Reduces the cast time of Wrath and Starfire by 15%.
- Item - Druid T17 Balance 4P Bonus (New) : Reduces the cooldown of Celestial Alignment by 45 sec.
- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Shred critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Berserk by 5.
- Item - Druid T17 Feral 4P Bonus : While Berserk is active, special attacks cause a Gushing Wound on the target. Gushing Wound deals 15% of the damage of the special attack to the target over until cancelled.
- Item - Druid T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of the heal over time generated by Genesis by 2 sec.
- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus : Kill Command has a 25% chance to increase the size and damage of your pet by 10% for until cancelled.
- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus : While Bestial Wrath is active, one additional pet is summoned to fight with you.
- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 4P Bonus : Aimed Shot critical strikes have a chance to call down an artillery strike on your target, dealing 10 damage. (Approximately procrppm procs per minute)
- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 2P Bonus : Increases the Focus restored from Serpent Sting by 2.
- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus : When you hit a target with Explosive Shot, you gain the Rapid Shot effect. Rapid Shot increases your haste by 10%, stacking up to 0 times.
- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 2P Bonus : After using Evocation, you gain the Arcane Affinity. Arcane Affinity reduces the cast time and mana cost of Arcane Blast by 10%.for until cancelled.
- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 4P Bonus : When you gain an Arcane Charge, you have a chance to gain the Arcane Instability effect. Arcane Instability increases the number of missiles your next Arcane Missiles will fire by 10.
- Item - Mage T17 Fire 2P Bonus : Casting Inferno Blast grants you the Firestarter effect. Firestarter reduces the cast time of your next fireball by 2,000%.
- Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus : When Hot Streak activates, you have a 10% chance to gain the Pyromaniac effect. Pyromaniac causes all Pyroblasts to have no cast time and be guaranteed critical strikes for until cancelled.
- Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus : Frost critical strikes have a chance to strike the target with an Ice Shard, dealing 1 extra damage to the target.
- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 4P Bonus : Keg Smash now has 2 additional charge.
- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 2P Bonus : Soothing Mist now chains to 1 extra target, but the healing is reduced by 50% on the second target.
- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker 4P Bonus : While Tigereye Brew's damage effect is active, you gain Forceful Winds. Forceful Winds increases multistrike damage by 2% per stack of Tigereye Brew consumed.
- Item - Paladin T17 Holy 2P Bonus : When you cast Word of Glory, you gain Light's Favor, which lets you cast a free Light of Dawn at 25% effectiveness. When you cast Light of Dawn, you gain Lawful Words, which lets you cast a free Word of Glory at 25% effectiveness.
- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 2P Bonus : Judgment has a 101% chance to immediately deal 10% of the total damage of your Censure effect to the target.
- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 4P Bonus Using Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm has a 30% chance to empower you with Crusader's Fury. Crusader's Fury allows the use of Hammer of Wrath regardless of your target's current health.
- Item - Priest T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Faithful increases your haste by 10% for 6 sec. Prayer of Mending jumps to 1 additional Ltarget:targets.
- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 2P Bonus : Mind Blast deals an additional 10% of its damage over until cancelled to the target.
- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 4P Bonus : Each time Devouring Plague deals damage over time, you gain the Mental Instinct effect. Mental Instinct increases your haste by 10%, stacking up to 0 times.
- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus : Mutilate critical strikes restore 10 energy.
- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 4P Bonus (New) : Envenom also instantly deals 35% of the damage of your Deadly Poison on the target.
- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 4P Bonus : When you use a finishing move, there is a 25% chance to gain the Deceit effect. Deceit makes your next Eviscerate consume no Energy and count as if you had 5 combo points.
- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 4P Bonus Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%. While Shadow Dance is active, your special attacks deal 10% additional damage as Shadow damage to the target.
- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 2P Bonus : Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a chance to activate the Thundercaller effect. Thundercaller causes your next 5 offensive spell casts to also strike the target with lightning.
- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 2P Bonus : Windfury Weapon now deals 2 extra attacks.
- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 4P Bonus : Stormstrike reduces the cooldown of Feral Spirit by 5 sec.
- Item - Shaman T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Targets healed by your Chain Heal spell receive an additional 15% of the healing received over time.
- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 2P Bonus : While channeling Drain Soul on a target afflicted by your Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Agony, the chance for Nightfall to activate is increased by 5%.
- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 4P Bonus : When Nightfall activates, the cooldown of Dark Soul is reduced by 10 sec.
- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 4P Bonus : Shadowbolt has a 50% chance empower your inner demon, temporarily bringing your Metamorphosis form out even while you are not transformed.
- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 4P Bonus : Consuming an ember reduces the cooldown of Dark Soul by 5 sec.
- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 2P Bonus : Slam critical strikes reduce the cooldown of Recklessness by 5 sec.
- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 4P Bonus : Colossus Smash has a 50% chance to grant you the Deadly Calm effect. Deadly Calm reduces the Rage cost and cooldown of your Mortal Strike by 50% for 10 sec.
- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 2P Bonus : Wild Strike critical strikes have a 50% chance to activate Enrage.
- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 4P Bonus : When you activate Recklessness, you also gain the Rampage effect. Rampage increases your attack speed and critical strike chance by 0% every second Recklessness is active.
Mercredi 11 juin 2014

Death Knight
- Item - Death Knight T17 Blood 4P Bonus : Activating Vampiric Blood now also imbues you with Bloodstained Armor. Bloodstained Armor increases your bonus armor by 10 for 10 sec.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Frost Strike by 10%.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Frost 4P Bonus : While Pillar of Frost is active, you also gain Frostbite. Frostbite increases your mastery by 10 for 20 sec.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Death Coil by 10%.
- Item - Death Knight T17 Unholy 4P Bonus : Increases the damage bonus of your Ghoul while under Dark Transformation by 10%.
- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP 2P Bonus : Using Death Grip on a target grants you the Morbid Strike effect. Morbid Strike increases the damage of your next special attack by 1,000%.
- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP Frost 4P Bonus : When you have Freezing Fog active, your next Howling Blast will apply Biting Cold to all targets it hits. Biting Cold increases Frost damage taken by 1,000% for8 sec.
- Item - Death Knight WoD PvP Unholy 4P Bonus : When you activate Dark Transformation, you gain the Death Dealer effect. Death Dealer increases Shadow damage dealt by 20% for 15 sec.
- Item - Druid T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Rejuvenation by 10%.
- Item - Druid WoD PvP Balance 2P Bonus : When you activate Celestial Alignment, you gain the Equinox effect. Equinox increases your mastery by 10.
- Item - Druid WoD PvP Balance 4P Bonus : Rejuvenation ticks have a 5% chance to trigger Shooting Stars. Shooting Stars restores 1 charge of Starsurge and Starfall.
- Item - Druid WoD PvP Feral 4P Bonus : Shred critical strikes cause Bloodletting on the target. Bloodletting increases all bleed damage taken by 10% for 6 sec.
- Item - Druid WoD PvP Restoration 4P Bonus : Increases the bonus healing from Nature's Swiftness to 100%.
- Item - Druid T17 Balance 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Moonfire and Sunfire by 10%.
- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Reduces the Energy cost of Ferocious Bite by 15.
- Item - Druid T17 Feral 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Shred by 10%.
- Item - Druid T17 Guardian 2P Bonus : Applying Tooth and Claw to a target generates 1 rage.
- Item - Druid T17 Guardian 4P Bonus : Frenzied Regeneration counts as if you had used 10 more rage when used.
- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.
- Item - Hunter T17 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Bestial Wrath by 2 sec.
- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.
- Item - Hunter T17 Marksmanship 4P Bonus : Activating Rapid Fire also grants you Deadly Aim. Deadly Aim increases your critical strike damage by 10%.
- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 2P Bonus : Increases the Focus restored from Viper Venom by 2.
- Item - Hunter T17 Survival 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Explosive Shot by 10%.
- Item - Hunter WoD PvP 2P Bonus : When your Freezing Trap activates, you and your pet gain 1,000 Focus.
- Item - Hunter WoD Survival PvP 4P Bonus : Casting Black Arrow automatically activates Lock and Load. Lock and Load causes your next two Explosive Shots within 12 sec to cost no Focus and trigger no cooldown.
- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Arcane Blast by 10%.
- Item - Mage T17 Arcane 4P Bonus : Increases the damage bonus of Arcane Power by 10%.
- Item - Mage T17 Fire 2P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Inferno Blast by 2 sec.
- Item - Mage T17 Fire 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Pyroblast by 10%.
- Item - Mage T17 Frost 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Frostbolt by 10%.
- Item - Mage T17 Frost 4P Bonus : When you activate Icy Veins, you also gain Arctic Power. Arctic Power increases your Multistrike damage by 10% for 20 sec.
- Item - Mage WoD PvP Fire 4P Bonus : Casting Scorch generates one stack of Ignition. Ignition reduces the cast time and increases the critical strike chance of Fireball by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
- Item - Mage WoD PvP Frost 2P Bonus : Frozen Orb now explodes at the end of its duration, dealing 1 Frost damage to all nearby enemies.
- Item - Monk WoD PvP Mistweaver 4P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 45 sec.
- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Tigereye Brew by 3 sec.
- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker/Brewmaster 2P Bonus : When you use Roll, you gain Heightened Senses. Heightened Senses reduces the Energy cost of your next Jab by 50.
- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 2P Bonus : Guard absorbs 10% more damage.
- Item - Monk T17 Brewmaster 4P Bonus : When you dodge an attack while Elusive Brew is active, you generate $165,356 Energy.
- Item - Monk T17 Elusive Brew Proc Driver :
- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of Enveloping Mist by 1 sec.
- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver 4P Bonus : Something cool increases your spirit by 1%.
- Item - Monk T17 Mistweaver Spirit Buff : Increases the duration of Enveloping Mist by 0 sec.
- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker2P Bonus : Increases the extra periodic damage or healing from Blackout Kick by 10%.
- Item - Monk T17 Windwalker4P Bonus : Fists of Fury generates 4 stacks of Tigereye Brew.
- Item - Monk WoD PvP Windwalker/Brewmaster 2P Bonus : When you use Roll, you gain Heightened Senses. Heightened Senses reduces the Energy cost of your next Jab by 50. Instant.
- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Holy 4P Bonus : Reduces the cooldown of Hand of Sacrifice by 10.
- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Protection 2P Bonus : Targets hit by your Hammer of Justice take 1% more damage for until cancelled.
- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Retribution 2P Bonus : While Avenging Wrath is active, you gain Righteous Determination. Righteous Determination reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects on yourself by 50%.
- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Retribution 4P Bonus : Spending Holy Power imbues you with Vindicator's Fury. Vindicator's Fury increases your damage and healing by 1% per Holy Power spent for 8 sec.
- Item - Paladin T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Word of Glory and Light of Dawn by 10%.
- Item - Paladin T17 Protection 2P Bonus : When Grand Crusader activates, your armor is imbued with Faith Barricade. Faith Barricade increases your bonus armor by 10 for 5 sec.
- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Crusader Strike by 10%.
- Item - Paladin T17 Retribution 4P Bonus : Using Templar's Verdict or Divine Storm empowers you with Crusader's Fury. Crusader's Fury increases all damage dealt by 5% for 5 sec.
- Item - Paladin WoD PvP Protection 2P Effect : Targets hit by your Hammer of Justice take 1% more damage for until cancelled. Instant.
- Item - Priest T17 Discipline 2P Bonus : Increases the duration of Penance by 1 sec.
- Item - Priest T17 Holy 2P Bonus : Casting a Holy Word spell grants you the Faithful effect. Faithful increases your haste by 10% for 6 sec.
- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Mind Blast by 10%.
- Item - Priest T17 Shadow 4P Bonus : Increases the damage of Devouring Plague by 10%.
- Item - Rogue T17 Assassination 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Kill Shot by 10%.
- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%.
- Item - Rogue T17 Combat 4P Bonus : Increases the chance for Revealing Strike to generate an extra Combo Point by 10%.
- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Eviscerate by 10%.
- Item - Rogue T17 Subtlety 4P Bonus : While Shadow Dance is active, you gain the Quick Blades effect. Quick Blades generates 10 Energy every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Item - Rogue WoD PvP 2P Bonus : Successfully interrupting a spell with Kick generates 3 combo points.
- Item - Rogue WoD PvP Combat 4P Bonus : Increases the duration of Killing Spree by 1 sec.
- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning by 10%.
- Item - Shaman T17 Elemental 4P Bonus : Lava Burst deals an additional 10% of its damage over 2 sec to the target.
- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Stormstrike by 10%.
- Item - Shaman T17 Enhancement 4P Bonus : Stormstrike reduces the cooldown of 5 sec.
- Item - Shaman T17 Restoration 2P Bonus : Increases the healing of Chain Heal by 10%.
- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Elemental 2P Bonus : While Ascendance is active, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects.
- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Elemental 2P Effect : While Ascendance is active, you are immune to silence and interrupt effects. Instant.
- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Enhancement 2P Bonus : When you activate Feral Spirit, you gain the
- Item - Shaman WoD PvP Restoration 4P Bonus : When the target of your Earth Shield drops below 35% health, Earth Shield will immediately consume up to 3 charges.
- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Unstable Affliction by 10%.
- Item - Warlock T17 Affliction 4P Bonus : Increases the periodic damage bonus of Haunt by 10%.
- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Shadow Bolt and Touch of Chaos by 10%.
- Item - Warlock T17 Demonology 4P Bonus : Corruption has a 10% chance to generate 1 charge of Hand of Gul'dan when dealing damage.
- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Incinerate by 10%.
- Item - Warlock T17 Destruction 4P Bonus : When Immolate deals damage it has a 10% chance to add a charge to Conflagrate.
- Item - Warlock WoD PvP Demonology 4P Bonus : When your Corruption or Doom effects are dispelled, you gain 100 Demonic Fury.
- Item - Warlock WoD PvP Destruction 4P Bonus : Conflagrate generates 1 extra stacks of Backdraft.
- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Arms 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Mortal Strike by 50%.
- Item - Warrior WoD PvP DPS 4P Bonus : While Recklessness is active, getting a critical strike with a special attack will increase the duration of Recklessness by 1 sec.
- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Fury 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Bloodthirst by 50%.
- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Protection 2P Bonus : When you use Charge, you gain the Vicious Strike effect. Vicious Strike increases the critical strike chance of your next Shield Slam by 50%.
- Item - Warrior WoD Tank DPS 4P Bonus : You now generate Rage from taking damage.
- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 2P Bonus : Increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 10%.
- Item - Warrior T17 Arms 4P Bonus : Execute deals 10% more damage to targets affected by Colossus Smash.
- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 2P Bonus : Increases the critical strike chance of Bloodthirst by 10%.
- Item - Warrior T17 Fury 4P Bonus : Raging Blow now generates 10 Rage.
- Item - Warrior T17 Protection 2P Bonus : Shield Slam has a 25% chance to grant the Shield Master effect. Shield Master increases your bonus armor by 10 for 6 sec.
- Item - Warrior T17 Protection 4P Bonus : Shield Block lasts 2 sec longer.
- Item - Warrior WoD PvP Tank 4P Rage Gain : Generates rage based on damage taken. Instant.