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Glyphes Warlords of Draenor

Glyphes Warlords of Draenor

Le premier patch note de World of Warcraft révèle que certains glyphes vont désormais être appris de manière automatique pendant la montée de niveau.

Glyphes Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor

À WoD, comme à chaque extension de nouveaux glyphes seront ajoutés à WoW, Warlords of Draenor en proposera ainsi plusieurs pour les différentes classes du jeu.


Dimanche 6 avril 2014


Le premier patch note de World of Warcraft révèle que certains glyphes vont désormais être appris de manière automatique pendant la montée de niveau. Comme le précise Celestalon dans un tweet, ces glyphes ont été choisis en fonction de leur utilité pendant la prise de niveau.


World of Warcraft Blizzard sur Glyphes à WoD (Traduction - Source)

Pendant le leveling, les personnages débloquent des emplacements de glyphes à certains niveaux spécifiques. Cependant, pour remplir ces emplacements, les joueurs devaient se rendre à l’Hôtel des Ventes et payer un certain montant de pièces d'or qui peut être exorbitant pour leur niveau ou alors connaître un Calligraphe qui pouvait les faire. Afin de résoudre ce souci, nous avons fait en sorte que les personnages apprennent de manière automatique de manière automatique à certains niveaux.

- Toutes les classes apprendront quelques glyphes majeurs, dont les recettes ont été supprimées du jeu.

- Au niveau 25, les glyphes suivants seront appris par les personnages ayant les classes appropriées :

- Glyphe de sarments, Glyphe de silence des lucioles, Glyphe de morsure féroce, Glyphe de mutiler, Glyphe d'augures, Glyphe de forme de félin, Glyphe de science des chemins, Glyphe de libération, Glyphe de nova de givre, Glyphe de transfert, Glyphe de sphères fortuites, Glyphe de tournoiement rapide, Glyphe d'au-delà, Glyphe de mots durs, Glyphe d'éclair lumineux, Glyphe de bouclier d'albâtre, Glyphe de bouclier d'hébétement, Glyphe de courroux vengeur, Glyphe de verdict du templier, Glyphe de lévitation, Glyphe de flammes sacrées, Glyphe d'oubli, Glyphe d'élan mortel, Glyphe de camouflage, Glyphe de horion de flammes, Glyphe de tonnerre, Glyphe de tempête guérisseuse, Glyphe de vague de soins, Glyphe de grâce du marcheur des esprits, Glyphe de siphon de vie, Glyphe de drain de vie, Glyphe d'entraînement de démon, Glyphe de connexion embrasée, Glyphe de charge longue, Glyphe d'ivresse de la victoire, Glyphe de sanguinaire, Glyphe d'imposition du silence

- Au niveau 50, les glyphes suivants seront appris par les personnages ayant les classes appropriées :

- Glyphe de puissance d'Ursoc,  Glyphe d'emprise de la nature,  Glyphe de renaissance,  Glyphe de récupération,  Glyphe de sauvagerie,  Glyphe de guérison, Glyphe de tir de la chimère,  Glyphe de glace noire,  Glyphe de métamorphose, Glyphe de coup tournoyant de la grue,  Glyphe de dénoncer,  Glyphe de tempête divine,  Glyphe de mot de gloire,  Glyphe de bouclier réflecteur,  Glyphe de châtiment,  Glyphe d'attaque mentale,  Glyphe de conversion,  Glyphe de rappel totémique,  Glyphe de peur,  Glyphe de l'exécuteur.

- Au niveau 60, les glyphes suivants seront appris par les personnages ayant les classes appropriées :

- Glyphe de sombre secours, Glyphe d'autorité impie, Glyphe de poigne de la mort.

- Au niveau 75, les glyphes suivants seront appris par les personnages ayant les classes appropriées :

- Glyphe de mort et décomposition,  Glyphe de célérité,  Glyphe de lucioles,  Glyphe de toucher guérisseur,  Glyphe du maître changeforme,  Glyphe de détournement,  Glyphe de lenteur,  Glyphe d'éclair de givrefeu,  Glyphe d'élémentaire d'eau,  Glyphe de souffle de feu,  Glyphe de thé de mana,  Glyphe de poings de fureur,  Glyphe de lumière de l'aube,  Glyphe de colère ultime,  Glyphe de double péril,  Glyphe de pénitence,  Glyphe de rénovation,  Glyphe de dispersion,  Glyphe d'embuscade,  Glyphe de coup bas,  Glyphe de bouclier de foudre,  Glyphe de terre éternelle,  Glyphe de pierre de soin,  Glyphe de charge de taureau,  Glyphe de vitesse enragée,  Glyphe de mur protecteur.


Rappelez-vous que ces informations sont tirées du patch note de l'alpha et que les glyphes appris peuvent changer d'ici la sortie de l'extension.

Meojifo avec Sam et Xiaoh


Samedi 5 avril 2014


De premières infos ont été extraites des données de l'alpha de Warlords of Draenor cette nuit par MMO Champion. Une partie d'entre elles concerne les nouveaux glyphes que l'on pourra obtenir / crafter dans WoD. Il s'agit ici de glyphes utilitaires affectant vos compétences, et pas de glyphes funs comme on a pu en voir arriver dernièrement à MoP. Ceci s'insère dans le cadre de la refonte des statistiques et de la réduction du nombre de compétences qui seront opérées dans la cinquième extension de WoW.

Bien évidemment toutes ces informations sont encore susceptibles d'être modifiées, le jeu n'étant encore qu'en alpha test.


MMO Champion sur Nouveaux glyphes (Source)

Death Knight

- Glyph of Absorb Magic - Increases the total samage absorbed by Anti-Magic Shell by $s1%, but Anti-Magic Shell no longer generates Runic Power.

- Glyph of the Ice Reaper - Reaping is now also triggered by your Chains of Ice.

- Glyph of Icy Runes - You gain an additional ${$159419m1/10} Runic Power when you use Chains of Ice.

- Glyph of Empowerment - Your Empower Rune Weapon also heals you for $s1% of your maximum health.

- Glyph of Necrotic Strike - $s1% of all healing absorbed by Necrotic Strike heals you.

- Glyph of Raise Ally - Your Raise Ally ability no longer costs any Runic Power.

- Glyph of Rune Tap - Instead of granting an absorb, Rune Tap heals you for $s1% more than it would have absorbed.

- Glyph of Runic Power - Whenever you are struck by a movement-impairing effect, you will generate $/10;159430s1 Runic Power every $159430t1 sec for $159430d.


- Glyph of Astral Communion - Your Astral Communion ability can be used while moving.

- Glyph of Imbued Bark - While Barkskin is active, when you are interrupted the resulting school lock has $s1% reduced duration.

- Glyph of Enchanted Bark - For $159438d after activating Barkskin, you are immune to Silence and Interrupt effects.

- Glyph of Ursol's Defense - Increases your armor in Bear Form by an additional $s1%.

- Glyph of the Ninth Life - Reduces all damage taken while in Cat Form by $s1%.

- Glyph of Celestial Alignment - Celestial Alignment now lasts $s1 sec, or until $160373n spells have been cast with it active, whichever occurs first.

- Glyph of Sudden Eclipse - While not in an Eclipse state critical attacks done to you restore $s1 Solar or Lunar energy whichever is more beneficial to you. This effect can only occur once every $159449s2 sec.

- Glyph of Maim - Increases the damage done by Maim by $s1%.

- Glyph of the Shapemender - Each time you activate a shapeshift form, you are healed for $159454s1% of your maximum health.

- Glyph of Moonwarding - Moonkin Form no longer grants bonus armor, but instead grants $s1% increased maximum health.

- Glyph of Travel - Travel Form grants an additional $s1% movement speed, but can no longer be used while in combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas and cannot be combined with other temporary speed bonuses.


- Glyph of Interruption - When you successfully Counterspell a target, the remaining cooldown on Counterspell is reduced by $s1 sec.

- Glyph of Dragon's Breath - Increases the damage done by Dragon's Breath by $s1%.

- Glyph of Regenerative Ice - You regenerate $s1% of your maximum health every $45438t4 sec for the duration of Ice Block.


- Glyph of Expel Harm - Expel Harm's energy cost is reduced by $s1 while your health is below 35%.

- Glyph of the Floating Butterfly - Fists of Fury can be channeled while moving but no longer stuns its target.

- Glyph of the Flying Serpent - Flying Serpent Kick now also slows all enemies you move through by $159493m2% for $1594936d.

- Glyph of Keg Smash - Increases the range on Keg Smash by $s1 yards.

- Glyph of Renewed Tea - When Renewing Mist is dispelled, you gain $m1 $Lcharge:charges; of Mana Tea.

- Glyph of Victory Roll - You gain $m1 $Lcharge:charges; of Roll or Chi Torpedo whenever you kill a target that grants experience or honor.

- Glyph of Freedom Roll - Your Roll, Chi Torpedo, and Flying Serpent Kick abilities dispel all snares affecting you when used.

- Glyph of Freedom Roll -

- Glyph of Soothing Mist - When you stop channeling Soothing Mist, you gain $s1% movement speed for $m1 sec for every sec you spent channeling Soothing Mist.

- Glyph of Soothing Mist -

- Glyph of Zen Focus - When you use Thunder Focus Tea, you gain Zen Focus causing you to be immune to all silence and interrupt effects for $159546d.


- Glyph of Ardent Defender - Ardent Defender no longer reduces damage takent, but if its duration expires without being consumed, its cooldown will be reset to $s1 sec.

- Glyph of the Consecrator - Your Consecration effect now moves with you.

- Glyph of Divine Favor - Reduces all mana costs while Divine Favor is active by $s2%, but Divine Favor increases healing done by $s1% less.

- Glyph of the Liberator - Hand of Freedom's cooldown is reduced by $s1 sec when not cast on self.

- Glyph of Hand of Freedom - Hand of Freedom immediately reduces the remaining duration of all effects which cause loss of control of a character by $159583s1%. Any additional loss of control effects applied within $159583d sec are have $159583s1% reduced duration.

- Glyph of Judgment - Increases the range of Judgment by $s1 yards.


- Glyph of Free Action - While Dispersion is active, you move $s1% faster.

- Glyph of Delayed Coalescence - Dispersion lasts ${$m1/1000} sec longer, but when it has ${$m1/1000-1} sec remaining, its damage reduction reduces by $s2% per sec.

- Glyph of Guardian Spirit - Guardian Spirit increases healing on the target by an additional $s1%, but no longer prevents the target's death.

- Glyph of Restored Faith - Leap of Faith pulls you to your target instead of pulling your target to you.

- Glyph of Miraculous Dispelling - Reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel by $s1%.

- Glyph of the Inquisitor - Your Holy Fire deals $s1% additional initial damage, but $s2% of that damage is also dealt back to you.

- Glyph of Silence - Reduces the cooldown on your Silence spell by ${$m1/-1000} sec, but also reduces its duration by ${$m2/-1000} sec.

- Glyph of the Redeemer - All your healing is increased by $s1% while Spirit of Redemption is active.

- Glyph of Shadow Magic - For $159630d after activating Fade, you are immune to Silence and Interrupt effects, but the cooldown of Fade is increased by ${$m1/1000} sec.


- Glyph of Energy - Increases your maximum Energy by $s1.

- Glyph of Elusiveness - Reduces the cooldown on Evasion by ${$m1/-1000} sec.

- Glyph of Energy Flows - Each time you dodge while Evasion is active, you gain $159637s1 Energy.

- Glyph of Disappearance - Reduces the cooldown on Vanish by ${$m1/-1000} sec, but when Vanish's duration ends, Stealth is no longer automatically activated.


- Glyph of Ephemeral Spirits - Reduces the cooldown on Feral Spirit by ${$m1/-1000} and reduces the duration by ${$m2/-1000} sec.

- Glyph of Ghostly Speed - Ghost Wolf grants an additional $s1% movement speed, but can no longer be used while in combat. This effect is disabled in battlegrounds and arenas and cannot be combined with other temporary speed bonuses.

- Glyph of Grounding - Reduces the cooldown on Grounding Totem by ${$m1/-1000} sec.

- Glyph of Lava Spread - Increases the radius at which Lava Lash spreads Flame Shock by $s1 yards.

- Glyph of Reactive Shielding - Your Lightning Shield can now trigger once every ${$m1/10}.1 sec.

- Glyph of Shamanistic Resolve - Shamanistic Rage reduces damage taken by an additional $s1% but the cooldown on Shamanistic Rage is increased by ${$m2/1000} sec.

- Glyph of Shocks - Increases the range on Earth Shock, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, and Wind Shear by $s1 yards.

- Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus - Reduces the cooldown of Spiritwalker's Grace by ${$m1/-1000} sec, but reduces its duration by ${$m2/-1000} sec.

- Glyph of Spiritwalker's Aegis - When you cast Spiritwalker's Grace, you become immune to Silence and Interrupt effects for $159652d.


- Glyph of Curses - Increases the radius of effect on your Curse of Exhaustion and Curse of Elements spells by $s1 yards.

- Glyph of Dark Soul - Reduces the duration and cooldown of Dark Soul by $s1%.

- Glyph of Flames of Xoroth - Flames of Xoroth no longer costs any Embers to cast.

- Glyph of Life Pact - Mana costs on all your spells are reduced by $s1%, but Life Tap can no longer be cast, and your health will drop by $s2% per sec. Your health cannot drop below $s3% from this effect.

- Glyph of Metamorphosis - When you activate Metamorphosis, you no longer transform into a demon, but instead grow demon wings on your normal form.

- Glyph of Metamorphosis -

- Glyph of Shadowflame - Increases the movement speed reduction on the Shadowflame effect from your Hand of Gul'dan spell by $s1%.

- Glyph of Soul Swap - You can hold inhaled periodic effects from Soul Swap for ${$m1/1000} more sec.

- Glyph of Twilight Ward - Your Twilight Ward now absorbs damage from all magical schools.

- Glyph of Strengthened Resolve - Unending Resolve reduces damage taken by an additional $s2%, but its cooldown is increased by ${$m1/1000} sec.


- Glyph of Cleave - Your Heroic Strike now hits $s1 targets.

- Glyph of the Drawn Sword - Each time you parry while Die by the Sword is active, you gain ${$159704m1/10} Rage

- Glyph of Heroic Leap - Increases your speed by $133278s1% for $133278d after using Heroic Leap.

- Glyph of Mocking Banner - Your Mocking Banner now causes creatures to attack the tank specialization player you had targeted when placing the Mocking Banner, instead of attacking you.

- Glyph of Raging Blow - If both of your attacks from a single Raging Blow are critical strikes, then your next Bloodthirst within $159747d heals for $159747s1% more.

- Glyph of Raging Blow - Your next Bloodthirst heals for $s1% more.

- Glyph of Rallying Cry - While your Rallying Cry is active, you also gain $s1% leech, healing you for $s1% of all damage and healing you cause.

- Glyph of Shattering Throw - Teaches you the ability Shattering Throw.

- Glyph of Flawless Defense - You have a $s1% reduced chance for attacks against you to be critical strikes while Shield Wall is active.


Sam Vostok



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