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WoD : Avantages de Draenor

WoD : Avantages de Draenor

Warlords of Draenor n'apportera pas de nouvelles techniques ou nouveaux sorts à proprement parler pour chaque classe, mais plutôt des avantages aux capacités déjà existantes.

WoD : Avantages de Draenor

Warlords of Draenor n'apportera pas de nouvelles techniques ou nouveaux sorts à proprement parler pour chaque classe, mais plutôt des avantages aux capacités déjà existantes. Lors de chaque niveau, le joueur en apprendra un de manière aléatoire qui n'est pas déjà connu. Rassurez-vous, une fois le niveau 100 atteint, tous les joueurs auront appris tous ces avantages. Simplement, vous les apprendrez dans un ordre différent que vos comparses.


Gros plan sur les Avantages de Draenor


Dimanche 10 août 2014


À défaut d'avoir de nouveaux sorts avec Warlords of Draenor, les développeurs mettent en place des avantages aux capacités que les personnages connaissent déjà. Malheureusement, un léger changement est intervenu sur la bêta de l'extension : au lieu d'en apprendre un par niveau, il faudra attendre les niveaux pairs pour apprendre un nouvel avantage. Le nombre d'améliorations est donc passé de 9 à 4, obligeant les développeurs à en retirer pour toutes les classes.


Nous avons changé les améliorations de Draenor pour qu'elles n'apparaissent qu'aux niveaux pairs.


Aeliis avec Meojifo et Zareick


Mercredi 16 avril 2014


De nombreux joueurs se questionnent sur l’intérêt des avantages de Draenor et leur impact sur l’expérience en jeu. WowInsider a dressé une comparaison très intéressante entre l’ancien système de points de talents, le système actuel et celui à venir.

Pour rappel, chaque classe et spécialisation a 9 améliorations de sorts à gagner de manière aléatoire entre le niveau 91 et le niveau 100. Une fois le niveau 100 atteint, toutes les améliorations seront connues. Vous pouvez trouver la liste en anglais de tous les avantages ci-dessous. Ils sont tous plus ou moins identiques : il s’agit principalement de bonus de dégâts ou de l’amélioration d’une compétence spécifique.

Ce système semble très intéressant si ce n’est qu’il rappelle ce qui a été retiré du jeu il y a quelques années.



L’arrivée de Mists of Pandaria a marqué la fin de l’arbre de talent que nous connaissions depuis Vanilla : à chaque niveau gagné, le joueur recevait un point à placer dans un arbre de talents. Les talents étaient simplement des améliorations de sorts ou un bonus de dégâts. Il suffisait d’un peu de bon sens pour tous les points correctement, et soyons honnête, ce n’était pas très passionnant.

À Burning Crusade et Wrath of the Lich King cet arbre de talent a été agrandi pour offrir plus de possibilités aux joueurs, rendant ainsi le choix de talents un peu plus intéressant. Mais il s’agissait toujours principalement de talents augmentant les dégâts d’une technique sans réel impact sur le gameplay.


À Wotlk un joueur disposait de 80 points de talents à répartir entre 71 talents !


Lors de Cataclysm, l'arbre de talent a été revu et simplifié afin d'empêcher l'accroissement constant de l'arbre de talent. Cependant, si un joueur voulait prendre une spécialisation il devait mettre 90% de ses points dans cette spécialisation. Après avoir mis tous ses points, il ne lui en restait que très peu à mettre dans les deux autres arbres. Rendant ainsi le choix des talents encore plus inintéressant.

C’est finalement à Mists of Pandaria que l’arbre a été totalement refait, limitant le choix des joueurs, mais offrant un vrai impact sur la façon de jouer. Les joueurs sont enfin capables de changer facilement de talents en fonction d’un combat ou du contenu auquel ils ont affaire (PvP, vieux contenu, PvE, etc.).

À présent, nous recevons un point tous les 15 niveaux ce qui signifie que nous ne devions pas recevoir de points de talents à Warlords of Draenor et que nous devrions attendre le niveau 105 pour en avoir un nouveau. Pour éviter cela, Blizzard a décidé d’offrir un point de talent au niveau 100.


Avec le système de MoP, les joueurs ne se sentent plus récompensés lorsqu’ils gagnent des niveaux comme c’était le cas lors des extensions précédentes et c’est là que les avantages de Draenor entrent en jeu. Les développeurs souhaitent récompenser les joueurs qui s’approchent du niveau 100 sans pour autant leur faire prendre des décisions, et c’est pour cela que les avantages sont gagnés aléatoirement. Celestalon donne quelques explications sur Twitter :


Celestalon sur Avantages de Draenor (Traduction - Source)

Vous pensez sûrement que les avantages de Draenor sont nuls ou ennuyants à choisir. Vous n’avez pas à les choisir, donc ils ne seront pas ennuyants. Ce sont simplement des récompenses pour avoir gagné un niveau. « Ding ! Oh super, mon Éclair de givre frappe plus fort maintenant. Génial. »


Bien entendu les avantages de Draenor ne sont que des améliorations de sorts comme l’étaient les anciens talents, à la différence que vous n’aurez plus à les choisir ni à vous en occuper. Ces améliorations ne sont pas quelque chose d’indispensable qui augmentera considérablement vos dégâts, mais elles vous rendront plus heureux lors de votre prise de niveaux.


Xiaoh avec Meojifo


Lundi 7 avril 2014


Warlords of Draenor n'apportera pas de nouvelles techniques ou nouveaux sorts à proprement parler pour chaque classe, mais plutôt des avantages aux capacités déjà existantes. Lors de chaque niveau, le joueur en apprendra un de manière aléatoire qui n'est pas déjà connu. Rassurez-vous, une fois le niveau 100 atteint, tous les joueurs auront appris tous ces avantages. Simplement, vous les apprendrez dans un ordre différent que vos comparses.

MMO-Champion ayant sorti une longue liste des Perks au complet, la voici ci-dessous. Celle-ci sera modifiée une fois la version française disponible.

N'oubliez pas que ces informations sont tirées de l'alpha de l'extension et qu'il y aura probablement des changements d'ici la sortie de l'extension.


MMO Champion sur Draenor Perk (Traduction - Source)

Death Knight


- Improved Diseases - Increases damage done by your diseases by 20%.

- Improved Soul Reaper - Increases Soul Reaper damage by 20%.


- Enhanced Will of the Necropolis - Allows Will of the Necropolis to be triggered again 30 sec sooner.

- Enhanced Rune Tap - Reduces the cooldown on Rune Tap by 10 sec.

- Enhanced Death Grip - Reduces the cooldown on Death Grip by 5 sec.

- Enhanced Bone Shield - Bone Shield has 2 additional charges.

- Improved Heart Strike - Increases Heart Strike damage by 30%.

- Improved Death Strike - Increases Death Strike damage by 20%.

- Enhanced Rune Strike - Rune Strike also creates a Rune Shield, absorbing the next XXXX Physical damage within 10 sec.


- Improved Razorice - Rune of Razorice deals an additional 12% weapon damage when it triggers.

- Improved Cinderglacier - Rune of Cinderglacier has 3 additional charges when it triggers.

- Improved Soul Reaper - Increases Soul Reaper's Shadowfrost damage by 40%.

- Empowered Pillar of Frost - Pillar of Frost provides an additional 10% Strength and no longer costs any runes.

- Empowered Icebound Fortitude - Icebound Fortitude reduces damage taken by an additional 10%.

- Empowered Rime - Rime also increases the damage done by Howling Blast and Icy Touch by 20%.

- Enhanced Death Strike - Increases Death Strike healing by 20%.


- Enhanced Death Strike - Increases Death Strike healing by 20%.

- Enhanced Dark Transformation - Dark Transformation no longer costs any runes.

- Improved Scourge Strike - Increases Scourge Strike damage by 20%.

- Improved Festering Strike - Increases Festering Strike damage by 20%.

- Enhanced Fallen Crusader - Rune of the Fallen Crusader heals for an additional 7%.

- Enhanced Death Coil - Increases Death Coil damage by 20% and range by 10 yards.

- Empowered Gargoyle - Increases the duration of Summon Gargoyle by 10 sec.




- Enhanced Mushrooms - Each time your Hurricane or Astral Storm deals damage, your Wild Mushrooms will grow, dealing 5% additional damage, up to a maximum of 300%.

- Enhanced Storms - Every 1 sec, your Hurricane and Astral Storm will generate 10 Lunar or Solar energy, whichever is more beneficial to you.

- Enhanced Moonkin Form - Your Moonkin Form grants an additional 100% armor increase.

- Enhanced Frenzy - Triggering Owlkin Frenzy also makes your next damage or healing spell cast within 10 sec instant.

- Improved Starfire - Your Starfire deals 20% additional damage.

- Enhanced Starsurge - Your Starsurge generates an additional 10 Lunar or Solar energy.

- Empowered Starfall - Your Starfall and Sunfall strike an additional target every 1 sec.

- Improved Wrath - Your Wrath deals 20% additional damage.

- Improved Moonfire - Your Moonfire and Sunfire deal 20% additional damage.


- Improved Wrath - Your Wrath deals 20% additional damage.

- Improved Moonfire - Your Moonfire and Sunfire deal 20% additional damage.

- Improved Healing Touch - Increases the healing done by your Healing Touch by 20%.

- Empowered Rejuvenation - Increases the duration of Rejuvenation by 3 sec.

- Enhanced Rebirth - Rebirth no longer has a cast time.

- Empowered Regrowth - Increases the non-periodic healing from Regrowth by 30%.

- Empowered Ironbark - Your Ironbark also increases the healing the target receives from your periodic healing spells by 20%.

- Improved Living Seed - Living Seed now heals for an additional 20% of the amount initially healed by your critical heals.

- Enhanced Lifebloom - Healing Touch has 20% increased critical strike chance on targets with your Lifebloom.


- Enhanced Berserk - Your maximum energy is increased by 50 while Berserk is active.

- Enhanced Cat Form - Your movement speed in Cat Form is increased by an additional 5%.

- Enhanced Tiger's Fury - Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury by 2 sec.

- Enhanced Prowl - Removes the movement speed penalty from Prowl.

- Improved Shred - Your Shred deals 20% additional damage.

- Improved Pounce - Your Pounce deals 100% additional damage.

- Improved Ferocious Bite - Your Ferocious Bite deals 20% additional damage.

- Enhanced Rejuvenation - You can cast Rejuvenation while in Bear Form or Cat Form.

- Improved Healing Touch - Increases the healing done by your Healing Touch by 20%.


- Enhanced Tooth and Claw - Tooth and Claw now also makes Maul free, and can accumulate 1 additional charge.

- Empowered Berserk - Increases the duration of Berserk by 5 sec.

- Enhanced Bear Hug - You are no longer immobilized by using Bear Hug.

- Improved Mangle - Your Mangle deals 20% additional damage.

- Improved Maul - Your Maul deals 20% additional damage.

- Empowered Thrash - Increases the periodic damage of your Thrash by 50%.

- Empowered Bear Form - Bear Form grants you an additional 20% Stamina.

- Improved Barkskin - Barkskin provides 10% additional damage reduction.

- Improved Frenzied Regeneration - Increases the healing from Frenzied Regeneration by 10%.




- Enhanced Camouflage - You heal 5% of your maximum health every 1 sec while Camouflage is active.

Beast Mastery

- Improved Focus Fire - Focus Fire now also grants 2% increase to attack power per Frenzy stack consumed.

- Improved Kill Command - Increases damage done by Kill Command by 20%.

- Empowered Pets - Increases all damage done by your combat pets by 20%.

- Improved Beast Cleave - Your pet's attacks strike nearby enemy targets for an additional 25% of damage done while Beast Cleave is active.

- Enhanced Basic Attacks - Your pet's basic attacks have a 20% chance to reset the basic attack cooldown and make the next basic attack free.

- Enhanced Kill Shot - Kill Shot can now be used on targets with 35% or less health.

- Improved Arcane Shot - Increases damage done by Arcane Shot by 20%.

- Improved Cobra Shot - Increases damage done by Kill Command by 20%.


- Enhanced Kill Shot - Kill Shot can now be used on targets with 35% or less health.

- Enhanced Chimera Shot - Reduces the Focus cost of Chimera Shot by 10.

- Enhanced Aimed Shot - Your Aimed Shot critical strikes grant you 20 Focus.

- Improved Focus - Increases your maximum Focus by 20.

- Improved Aimed Shot - Increases damage done by Aimed Shot by 20%.

- Improved Steady Shot - Increases damage done by Steady Shot by 20%.

- Enhanced Shots - Add an additonal 5 yards range to all your attacks with a baseline 40 yard range.

- Enhanced Piercing Shots - Critical strikes with Multi-Shot now also trigger your Piercing Shots ability.


- Improved Arcane Shot - Increases damage done by Arcane Shot by 20%.

- Improved Cobra Shot - Increases damage done by Kill Command by 20%.

- Empowered Explosive Shot - Increases the duration of Explosive Shot by 1 sec.

- Improved Black Arrow - Increases damage done by Black Arrow by 20%.

- Enhanced Traps - Reduces the cooldown on all your traps by 50%.

- Enhanced Entrapment - The root effect from your Entrapment requires 100% additional damage to break from taking damage.

- Improved Camouflage - Camouflage no longer breaks from dealing or taking damage.

- Improved Viper Venom - Your Viper Venom restores an additional 3 Focus.




- Improved Arcane Barrage - Increases the damage dealt to secondary targets of Arcane Barrage from 50% to 100%.

- Enhanced Arcane Blast - Each stack of Arcane Charge now reduces the cast time of Arcane Blast by 5%.

- Enhanced Arcane Missiles - Increases the maximum stacks of Arcane Missiles by 1.

- Improved Arcane Power - Arcane Power now reduces the cost of your spells by 10% instead of increasing the cost by 10%.

- Improved Blink - Your movement speed is increased by 60% for 2 sec after using Blink.

- Improved Evocation - Reduces the cooldown of Evocation by 30 sec.

- Improved Arcane Blast - Increases the damage of Arcane Blast by 20%.

- Improved Arcane Missiles - Increases the damage of Arcane Missiles by 20%.

- Improved Arcane Explosion - Increases the damage of Arcane Explosion by 20%.


- Improved Flamestrike - Flamestrike no longer has a cooldown.

- Enhanced Inferno Blast - Reduces the cooldown of Inferno Blast by 1 sec.

- Improved Pyroblast - Increases the critical strike chance of Pyroblast by 15%.

- Improved Inferno Blast - Inferno Blast now spreads the damage over time effects of Pyroblast, Ignite, and Combustion to 2 additional targets.

- Improved Combustion - Increases the duration of Combustion by 20%.

- Improved Scorch - After casting Scorch, your movement speed is increased by 30% for 3 sec.

- Improved Fireball and Frostfire Bolt - Increases the damage of Fireball and Frostfire Bolt by 20%.

- Improved Dragon's Breath - Increases damage of Dragon's Breath by 50%.

- Enhanced Fireball - When your Fireball fails to critically strike a target, you gain a 5% increased chance for Fireball to be a critical strike for 15 sec. This effect ends when Fireball successfully critically strikes a target.


- Enhanced Frostbolt - Frostbolt's cast time is reduced by 0.5 sec. This effect is disabled for 15 sec after you benefit from it.

- Enhanced Ice Lance - Fingers of Frost can stack 1 additional time.

- Improved Frost Nova - After casting Frost Nova, you will instantly teleport 10 yards behind you.

- Improved Icy Veins - Increases the amount of Haste gained from Icy Veins by 10.

- Improved Frostbolt - Increases the damage of Frostbolt by 20%.

- Improved Ice Lance - Increases the damage of Ice Lance by 20%.

- Improved Blizzard - Each time Blizzard deals damage, it reduces the cooldown of Frozen Orb by 1 sec.

- Improved Water Elemental - Your summoned Water Elemental now also knows the Water Jet spell. Water Jet - Channels a jet of icy water at the target, dealing XXXX Frost damage to the target over 4 sec. The Mage's Frostbolts that hit the target while it is being blasted with icy water will grant a charge of Fingers of Frost.

- Improved Frostfire Bolt - Increases the damage of Frostfire Bolt by 20%.




- Enhanced Roll - Your Roll now travels the same distance in 25% less time.

- Enhanced Transcendence - The cooldown of Transcendence is lowered by 35 sec, and Transcendence: Transfer is now instant cast.

- Empowered Blackout Kick - Damage of Blackout Kick increased by 20%.


- Improved Breath of Fire - Your Breath of Fire spell now always applies its damage over time effect to the target.

- Improved Guard - Guard now has 2 charges.

- Improved Dizzying Haze - Dizziying Haze no longer has an energy cost.

- Empowered Keg Smash - Damage of Keg Smash increased by 20%.

- Improved Elusive Brew - Elusive Brew now increases dodge chance by an additional 5%.

- Improved Stance of the Sturdy Ox - Increases the Stamina bonus of Stance of the Sturdy Ox by 20%.


- Improved Expel Harm - Increases the damage and healing of Expel Harm by 20%.

- Improved Renewing Mist - Increases the duration of Renewing Mist by 2 sec.

- Empowered Surging Mist - Increases the healing of Surging Mist by 20%.

- Improved Life Cocoon - Reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 20 sec.

- Improved Soothing Mist - Increases the healing of Soothing Mist by 20%.

- Empowered Tiger Palm - Increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 20%.


- Improved Energizing Brew - While Energizing Brew is active, your Multistrike chance is increased by 15%.

- Empowered Chi - Increases your maximum Chi by 1.

- Empowered Spinning Crane Kick - Spinning Crane Kick now deals damage twice as fast, but its duration is reduced by 50%.

- Empowered Rising Sun Kick - Damage of Rising Sun Kick is increased by 20%.

- Empowered Fists of Fury - Damage of Fists of Fury is increased by 20%.

- Empowered Tiger Palm - Increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 20%.




- Improved Divine Protection - Divine Protection reduces magical damage taken by an additional 10%.

- Improved Forbearance - Reduces the duration of Forbearance by 30 sec.


- Empowered Beacon of Light - Your single-target heals heal your Beacon of Light target for 10% more.

- Improved Daybreak - Increases the healing from Daybreak by 100%.

- Improved Holy Light - Increases the healing from Holy Light by 20%.

- Improved Denounce - Increases the damage done by Denounce by 20%.

- Empowered Holy Shock - Increases the damage done by Holy Shock by 20%.

- Enhanced Holy Shock - Your Holy Light and Flash of Light have a 10% chance to cause your next Holy Shock to not trigger a cooldown.

- Improved Flash of Light - Increases the healing Flash of Light by 20%.


- Improved Hammer of the Righteous - Increases the damage done by Hammer of the Righteous by 20%.

- Improved Word of Glory - Increases the healing done by Word of Glory and the initial healing done by Eternal Flame by 20%.

- Empowered Avenger's Shield - Avenger's Shield strikes 2 additional targets.

- Improved Consecration - Increases damage done by Consecration by 100%.

- Improved Block - Increases your chance to block by 10%.

- Improved Judgment - Increases damage done by Judgment by 20%.

- Improved Crusader Strike - Increases damage done by Crusader Strike by 20%.


- Improved Flash of Light - Increases the healing Flash of Light by 20%.

- Improved Judgment - Increases damage done by Judgment by 20%.

- Improved Crusader Strike - Increases damage done by Crusader Strike by 20%.

- Empowered Seal of Truth - Increases the Censure damage done by Seal of Truth by 20%.

- Enhanced Hand of Sacrifice - Reduces the cooldown on Hand of Sacrifice by 30 sec.

- Improved Exorcism - Increases the damage done by Exorcism by 20%.

- Empowered Hammer of Wrath - Hammer of Wrath can now be used on targets below 35% health.




- Enhanced Power Word: Shield - Reduces the duration of Weakened Soul caused by your Power Word: Shield by 5 sec.

- Improved Flash Heal - Increases the healing from your Flash Heal by 20%.


- Improved Penance - Increases the amount healed by your Penance by 20%.

- Enhanced Strength of Soul - Strength of Soul can also trigger from Penance.

- Enhanced Leap of Faith - Your Leap of Faith also increases your next non-periodic heal cast on that target by 50% for 10 sec.

- Improved Smite - Increases the damage from your Smite by 20%.

- Enhanced Holy Fire - Increases the duration of your Holy Fire by 2 sec.

- Improved Heal - Increases the amount healed by your Heal by 20%.

- Enhanced Focused Will - Each application of Focused Will also increases your damage dealt by 5%.


- Enhanced Leap of Faith - Your Leap of Faith also increases your next non-periodic heal cast on that target by 50% for 10 sec.

- Improved Smite - Increases the duration of your Holy Fire by 2 sec.

- Enhanced Holy Fire - Increases the amount healed by your Heal by 20%.

- Improved Heal - Increases the amount healed by your Penance by 20%.

- Enhanced Focused Will - Strength of Soul can also trigger from Penance.

- Enhanced Leap of Faith - Increases the damage from your Smite by 20%.

- Enhanced Chakras - Reduces the cooldown on your Chakras by 20 sec.


- Enhanced Shadow Orbs - You may have a maximum of 5 Shadow Orbs. No spell or ability will consume more than 3 orbs.

- Enhanced Shadow Word: Death - When Shadow Word: Death's cooldown is reset due to not killing a target, the resulting Shadow Word: Death cast can generate a Shadow Orb.

- Improved Vampiric Touch - Your Vampiric Touch deals 20% additional damage.

- Improved Mind Spike - Increases Mind Spike damage by 20%.

- Empowered Psychic Hororr - Your Psychic Horror lasts an additional 20 sec.

- Improved Shadow Word: Pain - Your Shadow Word: Pain deals 20% additional damage.

- Enhanced Mind Flay - Your Mind Flay deals damage 1 additional time while its duration remains unchanged.




- Improved Recuperate - Increases healing from Recuperate by 20%.


- Improved Slice and Dice - Slice and Dice is now always passively active.

- Enhanced Vendetta - After activating Vendetta, your next Mutilate, Dispatch, Envenom, or Ambush has 100% increased chance to be a critical strike.

- Improved Venomous Wounds - Venomous Wounds now triggers every time Rupture or Garotte deals damage.

- Enhanced Poisons - Fan of Knives will always apply your poisons to the targets hit.

- Enhanced Crimson Tempest - Crimson Tempest also increases the damage targets take from your poisons by 30% for 1 sec plus 1 sec per combo point.

- Empowered Envenom - While Envenom is active, you deal 20% more damage with Mutilate and Dispatch.

- Improved Rupture - Dispatch deals 20% additional damage.

- Enhanced Envenom - Envenom grants an additional 15% to your chance to apply poisons.


- Empowered Bandit's Guile - Bandit's Guile grants an additional 20% damage increase while in Deep Insight.

- Instant Poison - Replaces your Deadly Poison with Instant Poison. Instant Poison - Coats your weapons with a Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. Each strike has a 30% chance of instantly poisoning the enemy for XXXX Nature damage.

- Enhanced Adrenaline Rush - While Adrenaline Rush is active, the global cooldown on Sinister Strike, Revealing Strike, Eviscerate, Slice and Dice, and Rupture is reduced by an additional 0.3 sec.

- Enhanced Fan of Knives - Reduces the Energy cost of Fan of Knives by 10.

- Empowered Crimson Tempest - Crimson Tempest no longer deals any periodic damage, and instead deals 240% increased initial damage.

- Improved Ambidexterity - You no longer have a penalty to hitting with your autoattacks due to dual-wielding.

- Improved Sinister Strike - Increases the damage done by Sinister Strike by 20%.

- Improved Eviscerate - Increases the damage done by Eviscerate by 20%.


- Improved Backstab - Increases the damage done by Backstab by 20%.

- Improved Ambush - Increases the damage done by Ambush by 20%.

- Improved Hemorrhage - Increases the damage done by Hemorrhage by 20%.

- Enhanced Vanish - Reduces the cooldown on Vanish by 30 sec.

- Enhanced Eviscerate - Reduces the Energy cost of Eviscerate by 5.

- Enhanced Shadow Dance - Increases the duration of Shadow Dance by 2 sec.

- Empowered Fan of Knives - Fan of Knives now generates a combo point for each target that it hits.

- Enhanced Premeditation - Premeditation is no longer an active ability. Instead your Garrote and Ambush always generate 2 additional combo points when used from Stealth. This affect does not apply while Shadow Dance is active.




- Improved Reincarnation - Increases the health that you Reincarnate with by an additional 50%.


- Improved Chain Lightning - Your Chain Lightning increases the damage of your next Earthquake by 20% per target hit by the Chain Lightning.

- Improved Lightning Shield - Lightning Shield gains 2 additional maximum charges, and Lava Burst can now trigger Rolling Thunder's effects.

- Improved Elemental Fury - Increases the critical strike damage bonus from Elemental Fury by 20%.

- Improved Lava Burst - Increases the damage dealt by Lava Burst by 20%.

- Improved Shocks - Increases the damage dealt by your Frost Shock, Earth Shock, and Flame Shock by 20%.

- Improved Searing Totem - Increases the damage dealt by Searing Totem by 50%.

- Improved Frost Shock - Your Frost Shock spell no longer shares a cooldown with your other shock spells.

- Improved Lightning Bolt - Increases the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt by 20%.


- Improved Searing Totem - Increases the damage dealt by Searing Totem by 50%.

- Improved Frost Shock - Your Frost Shock spell no longer shares a cooldown with your other shock spells.

- Improved Lava Lash - Increases the number of targets Flame Shock spreads to by 2.

- Improved Flame Shock - Your Flame Shock ticks have a 15% chance to reset the cooldown of Lava Lash.

- Improved Maelstrom Weapon - Maelstrom Weapon now also causes your spells to deal 20% additional damage per stack of Maelstrom Weapon.

- Improved Stormstrike - Increases the damage of Stormstrike and Stormblast by 20%.

- Improved Lava Lash - Increases the damage of Lava Lash by 20%.

- Improved Feral Spirits - Increases the damage of your Feral Spirits by 100%.


- Improved Lightning Bolt - Increases the damage dealt by Lightning Bolt by 20%.

- Improved Riptide - Reduces the cooldown of Riptide by 1 sec.

- Improved Chain Heal - Increases the healing on the primary target of your Chain Heal spell by 50%..

- Improved Healing Wave - Increases the healing from Healing Wave by 20%.

- Improved Healing Surge - Increases the healing from Healing Surge by 20%.

- Improved Tidal Waves - Increases the cast speed reduction and critical strike chance of the Tidal Waves effect by 10%

- Improved Earthliving Weapon - Increases the direct heal from using Unleash Elements with Earthliving Weapon by 50%.

- Improved Healing Rain - Increases healing done to targets in your Healing Rain by 10%.




- Improved Demons - Increases all damage done by your demon pets by 20%.


- Improved Life Tap - Life Tap grants an additional 20% mana.

- Empowered Agony (NYI) - Your Agony now stacks up to 12 times.

- Enhanced Haunt - Your Haunt lasts an additional 2 sec.

- Improved Corruption - Your Corruption deals an additional 20% damage.

- Improved Unstable Affliction - Your Unstable Afflction deals an additional 20% periodic damage.

- Improved Malefic Grasp - Your Malefic Grasp deals 100% additional damage on targets below 20% health.

- Enhanced Nightfall - Increases your chance to trigger Nightfall by 5%.

- Empowered Drain Life - Health gained from your Drain Life grows by 10% each time it heals you.


- Empowered Drain Life - Health gained from your Drain Life grows by 10% each time it heals you.

- Improved Molten Core - Molten Core reduces the cast time and mana cost of Soul Fire by an additional 25%.

- Empowered Demons - Grants your demon pets an additional 10% haste and 10% critical strike chance.

- Improved Shadow Bolt - Your Shadow Bolt deals an additional 20% damage.

- Enhanced Corruption - Your Corruption generates 1 additional Demonic Fury each time it deals damage.

- Empowered Doom - Your Doom has an additional 20% critical strike chance.

- Enhanced Hand of Gul'dan - The radius of your Hand of Gul'dan is increased by 2 yards.

- Improved Touch of Chaos - Your Touch of Chaos deals 20% additional damage.


- Enhanced Chaos Bolt - The cast time on your Chaos Bolt is reduced by 0.5 sec.

- Empowered Immolate - Your Immolate deals 100% additional damage when it initially strikes the target.

- Improved Conflagrate - Your Conflagrate deals 20% additional damage.

- Empowered Incinerate - Your Incinerate has 20% additional critical strike chance.

- Improved Ember Tap - Your Ember Tap heals you for an additional 20%.

- Improved Shadowburn - Your Shadowburn deals 20% additional damage.

- Enhanced Backlash - Physical attacks against you have a 15% increased chance to trigger Backlash.

- Enhanced Drain Life - Your Drain Life now generates Burning Embers.




- Improved Charge - Increases the range of Charge by 10 yards.

- Improved Heroic Leap - The damage radius of Heroic Leap is increased by 2 yards.


- Enhanced Sweeping Strikes - Sweeping Strikes now lasts 5 sec longer.

- Improved Mortal Strike - Increases the damage of Mortal Strike by 20%.

- Enhanced Slam - Increases the radius of the splash damage dealt by Slam while Sweeping Strikes is active by 3 yards.

- Improved Overpower - Increases the damage dealt by Overpower by 20%.

- Improved Die by the Sword - Increases the damage reduction from Die by the Sword by 10%.

- Empowered Execute - Increases the damage of Execute by 50%.

- Improved Colossus Smash - Colossus Smash now generates 10 rage when hitting a target.


- Improved Die by the Sword - Increases the damage reduction from Die by the Sword by 10%.

- Empowered Execute - Increases the damage of Execute by 50%.

- Improved Colossus Smash - Colossus Smash now generates 10 rage when hitting a target.

- Improved Meat Cleaver - Meat Cleaver now grants 2 charges every time Whirlwind deal damage.

- Improved Wild Strike - Damage of Wild Strike increased by 40%.

- Improved Bloodthirst - Increases the damage and healing of Bloodthirst by 20%.

- Improved Raging Blow - Increases the damage of Raging Blow by 20%.


- Improved Heroic Throw - Heroic Throw no longer has a cooldown.

- Improved Shield Slam - Increases the damage of Shield Slam by 20%.

- Improved Revenge - Increases the damage of Revenge by 20%.

- Improved Shield Barrier - Increases the absorb amount of Shield Barrier by 10%.

- Improved Unwavering Sentinel - Unwavering Sentinel now increases your armor by an additional 15%.

- Improved Bastion of Defense - Bastion of Defense now increases your block chance by an additional 10%.

- Improved Thunder Clap - Increases the damage of Thunder Clap by 20%.


Meojifo avec Xiaoh



En Continu

11:27 Avant la sortie de The War Within, voici le nouveau jouet de WoW que vous devez absolument utiliser dès maintenant
10:24 Terrestres WoW The War Within : Tout savoir sur cette Race alliée
11:23 Toutes les dates à retenir sur WoW avant la sortie de The War Within
10:10 Banque de bataillon : Comment la débloquer sur tous les personnages du compte ?
09:18 Error LUA WoW : Comment supprimer ce message d'erreur et d'où vient-il ?
18:29 WoW réserve une très belle surprise à tous les joueurs ayant acheté cette édition spéciale de The War Within
11:54 Bague des échos radieux WoW : Comment obtenir la bague Héritage du PréPatch ?
11:29 PrePatch WoW The War Within : Que faire pendant l'Invasion des souvenirs d'Azeroth ?
17:10 Alliance ou Horde, peu importe... Cette nouvelle quête de WoW va demander aux joueurs de s'allier qu'importe leur faction
10:00 Ce fan de WoW découvre un détail intéressant sur la carte de The War Within



Comptoir WoW juillet 2024 : Comment terminer rapidement le Journal de voyage et obtenir la mascotte Trishi ?
Toutes les dates à retenir sur WoW avant la sortie de The War Within
PrePatch WoW The War Within : Que faire pendant l'Invasion des souvenirs d'Azeroth ?


à découvrir

WoW : Allumez le feu jusqu'au 05 juillet, c'est la Fête du feu en Azeroth !
Comptoir WoW juillet 2024 : Comment terminer rapidement le Journal de voyage et obtenir la mascotte Trishi ?
Banque de bataillon : Comment la débloquer sur tous les personnages du compte ?