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Rules - Millenium annonce la Fight arena OW

Millenium annonce la Fight arena OW
  • Fight Arena Overwatch (FR)
  • Fight Arena Overwatch (EN)
  • Pro Invitational (EN)
  • Règlement

Fight Arena Millenium Overwatch


1. Teams and players

Once a team is registered for the Fight Arena tournament, all the players within the team are compelled to play during the whole competition, including the LAN finals. This means that no additional player (except for the official subs) can be swapped between the 1st qualifier round and the overall finals at the Paris Games Week.


2. Number of players

Every team must have at least 6 players, as 6 versus 6 is the chosen format for this tournament. 2 substitutes are allowed, but they must be registered BEFORE the 1st match. The software used to manage the competition is "Toornament".


3. Maps picks & bans

All Overwatch maps are allowed. The captains must use to draft their maps.
Once only 3 maps remain, the captains are asked to take a screenshot to avoid any dispute (the site is not optimized for BO3, so the timer will not stop).
The team with the higher seed (the one above the other in the Toornament bracket) decides which of the 3 maps should be played first, and also picks which side should be attacking and defending.
The 2nd map as well as the side are to be picked by the lower seed.
The 3rd map is not to be played unless both teams are tied 1-1.


4. In case of a tie on Payload / Capture Point

If there is a tie, both teams will play a 1 map only tie-breaker match on "Ilios".


5. Reporting a match

The victorious team must report the match result on Toornament and must be able to show the admins a screenshot that proves that they won the match.


6. Disqualification

Any team that uses a known exploit can be instantly disqualified from the tournament. It is up to the tournament organisation to judge the facts and determine the nature of the sanction that is to be applied.


7. Match settings

All the matches are played in BO3.
Map order : Single Map

Return to Lobby :
Payload & Point Capture : After a Mirror Match
Control : After a BO5 Game

Hero Selection Limit : 1 Per Team
All heroes are currently allowed
Disable Kill Cam : On
Role Selection Limit : None
Allow Hero Switching : On
Respawn as Random Hero : Off
Warm up only : Off
Health Modifier : 100%
Damage Modifier : 100%
Healing Modifier : 100%
Ultimate Charge Rate Modifier : 100%
Respawn Time Modifier : 100%
Ability Cooldown Modifier : 100%
Disable Skins : Off
Disable Health Bars : Off
Disable Kill Feed : Off
Headshots Only : Off
High Bandwidth : Off (unless both teams agree to set it On)
Team Balancing : Off


8. Disconnect

If a player disconnects, both teams are allowed to keep on playing.


9. Rematch

If a player disconnects or arrives late during the first minute of the match, then the game can be remade. Otherwise, no rematch will be allowed.


10. Streaming

Millenium has the full streaming rights of the competition. However, you can request streaming rights for your structure at the following address :

  • Fight Arena Overwatch (FR)
  • Fight Arena Overwatch (EN)
  • Pro Invitational (EN)
  • Règlement
  • Rules
Nostalgeek il y a 7 ans

N'hésites pas à venir faire un saut sur la chaine de la MilleniumTV2 sur Twitch si tu cherches des mates pour jouer a OW. Il y a un ts, une bonne communauté, des games viewers et des gens comme toi qui recherchent d'autres personnes pour jouer !

IMM0RT4LYS il y a 7 ans

Yo ! J'ai 14 ans et je cherche une team pour la fight arena OW. Si qq est intéressé voici mon btag : IMM0RT4LYS#2349 (avec un zéro à la place du O)


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à découvrir

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