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Patch 7.1.5 : Amélioration des trinkets

Patch 7.1.5 : Amélioration des trinkets

Lors de la prochaine maintenance hebdomadaire, de nombreux bijoux du Palais de Sacrenuit vont subir des changements plus ou moins importants

Patch 7.1.5 : Amélioration des trinkets

Dans un message officiel de cette nuit, Blizzard a indiqué que les bijoux du Palais de Sacrenuit allaient subir quelques changements. Il faut dire qu’à l’heure actuelle il y a deux bijoux qui sortent vraiment du lot et que tout le monde veut. Et à cause de cela, presque tous les autres trinkets sont ignorés. Ceci devrait changer avec les buffs qui vont être effectués.

Alors voici la liste des changements à venir :


World of Warcraft Blizzard sur Changement sur les bijoux de Sacrenuit (Source)

In general, we've found that our tuning on trinkets which relied on a direct damage or healing effect (as opposed to their raw stats) have come up a bit short this expansion. To help address that, we're making the following changes:

- Claw of the Crystalline Scorpid: Damage increased by 30%.

- Arcanogolem Digit: Damage increased by 30%.

- Entwined Elemental Foci: The amount of Critical Strike, Mastery, and Haste granted by this item's proc has been increased by 5%.

- Might of Krosus: Base damage reduced by 25%, but is now always a critical strike.

- The tooltip for Might of Krosus will display the amount of damage that will result from the critical hit, not the base damage.

- Also fixed a bug where the cooldown was incorrectly being reduced if Might of Krosus damaged at least 3 targets.

- Draught of Souls: The Use effect of this trinket now respects the global cooldown. - The damage of this trinket is now reduced by 30% for Unholy Death Knighs (was reduced by 40%).

- Designer Notes: Since Draught of Souls deals Shadow Damage, it's increased by Unholy's Mastery, which means we needed to reduce its base damage to keep its overall value similar to other classes. It's currently a little too low, however, so we're increasing the damage it deals for Unholy.

- Icon of Rot : Damage increased by 40%.

- Pharamere's Forbidden Grimoire : Damage increased by 85%.

- Fury of the Burning Sky : Damage increased by 40%.

- Star Gate : Damage increased by 30%.

- Aluriel's Mirror : Healing-over-time amount increased by 140%. Detonate effect reduced by 35%.

- Designer Notes: Aluriel's Mirror's detonation effect is strong when it activates, but hard to rely on. We're increasing the heal-over-time effect significantly to improve the up-front value of this trinket, and reducing the detonation effect slightly to compensate.

- Perfectly Preserved Cake : Absorb amount increased by 140%.

- Etraeus' Celestial Map : The amount of Critical Strike, Mastery, and Haste granted by this item's proc has been increased by 5%.

As for Convergence of Fates, we're spending a little extra time to make sure our changes here are as comprehensive as possible, so we don't have final numbers yet. However, we can share our overall plan for the changes we intend to make. We intend to reduce its base effectiveness (before talents) for Windwalkers, and increase its base effectiveness for Retribution Paladins and Frost and Unholy Death Knights. Separately, we plan to adjust its effectiveness individually for the following talents:

- Serenity (Windwalker)
- Crusade (Retribution Paladin)
- Incarnation (Feral Druid)
- Hungering Rune Weapon (Frost Death Knight)
- Dark Arbiter (Unholy Death Knight)

We're planning to make these changes with the next weekly restarts, alongside the release of Mythic Nighthold. Overall, this should make the trinkets in Nighthold more competitive with other trinkets available elsewhere in the expansion.


De plus quelques précisions ont été apportés sur le bijou convergence des destins :


World of Warcraft Blizzard sur Convergence des destins (Source)

Here's the changes we're looking to make for Convergence of Fate's interaction with some of the throughput cooldowns it affects. These numbers are compared to the trinket's current performance on live, and are not additive with each other.

Frost Death Knight

- with Renforcer l'arme runique: +10% proc rate
- with Arme runique affamée: -23% proc rate

Unholy Death Knight

- with Invocation d'une gargouille: +68% proc rate
- with Sombre médiateur: no change

Feral Druid

- with Berserk: no change
- with Incarnation : Roi de la jungle: -45%

- Note: Incarnation was not properly working with Convergence des destins, which has now been fixed. The number given here is relative to Convergence des destins's proc rate with Berserk.

Windwalker Monk

- with Tempête, Terre et Feu: -62% proc rate
- with Sérénité: -75% proc rate

Retribution Paladin

- with Courroux vengeur: +250% proc rate
- with Croisade: +25% proc rate

- Note: This change should bring Convergence des destins back to roughly its original effectiveness for Ret Paladins who are not using Croisade.

Additionally, on the topic of tank trinkets, we'll be increasing Exosquelette animé's maximum shield amount by 33%. We're continuing to investigate tank trinkets, but that change will make it in for this week's hotfix.



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