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Nouvelle équipe, Millenium
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League of Legends never stops growing as far as its community and e-sport are concerned. Starting from Season 3, Riot Games showed that they were able to make e-sport grow while raising top players to the level of professional gamers.

Since the failure of the last line-up in qualifying the Millenium Up & Down, the issue of Millenium remained unsolved. Today, we are proud to announce a new line-up whose way to LCS is already secured and whose main objective will be to maintain this spot as long as possible.

The new Millenium team is none other than the old line-up Alternate whose contract was not renewed for season 4. They have been present in the LCS since the Summer Split, after winning an intense Bo5 against the GIANTS! Gaming at Summer Promotion in June. Then, they maintained their LCS spot by winning a Bo3 for 5th place against Ninjas in Pyjamas, ensuring their participation in the new edition which starts on January 14 (Editor's note: The team will play its first match against SK Gaming)

Learn more about the players



Kevin « kev1n» Rubiszewski

Nationality : German
Age : 20 years old
Role : Solotop
Favourite champions :


Kev1n is  a veteran of League of Legends. Present since 2011 where he made his beginning with the team GAMED.DE, he will be especially noticed for his joining SK Gaming with whom he will shine for over a year and a half. During this period, he began to prove that exotics characters as Gangplank were viable but will be especially noted for his Jax and Irelia (which is his favourite hero)  but also for his solid play.




Alvar « Araneae » Martin Aleñar

Nationality : Spanish
Age : 24 years old
Role : Jungler
Favourite champions :

You could say that Araneae is always on the League of Legends scene, from being a shoutcaster to a player, he did everything. Discovered in 2010 when he played for Dimegio, he was getting a place of jungler for SK Gaming alongside Ocelote with whom he played for three months before leaving the structure. he will resurface with the Wizards e-Sports Club where he will begin to make his team known, his team stood up to all the big teams at the time (before getting split). Upon retesting with SK Gaming, he will join the Alternate team with which he will officiate for 1 year. He is considered by his peers as the Spanish Insec thanks to his skilled playing of Lee Sin.



Adrian « Kerp » Wetekam

Nationality : German
Age : 20 years old
Role : Mid Laner
Favourite Champions :

Although Kerp is a regular Toplaner player, he officiated as Midlaner from season 4 following the departure of ForellenLord and arrival of Kev1n. Although the two roles are not especially similar, Kerp has a very high individual skill that allows him to continue to shine even with this lane swaping . Relatively well-known in solo queue, he was the second player to surpass 2900 elo in season 2, just after ForellenLord.

FunFact : Kerp playing with a  Trackball



Jakub « Creaton » Grzegorzewski

Nationality : Polish
Age : 19 years old
Role : AD Carry
Favourite Champions :

Regarded as one of the revelations of the season 3, Creaton returns  to Millenium as an AD Carry. LCS were a way for him to shine thanks to his impeccable Ezreal and Vayne, he also managed also to be in the top 5 KDA season having played two games fewer than the others in this category . As we approach this new period, Jakub is determined to prove that he is still in top form and his game mechanics are still as relevant as ever. Jree

Alexander « Jree » Bergström

Nationality : Swedish
Age : 20 years old
Role  : Support
Favourite Champions :

Jree is perhaps the least known player in the team, even if he has a huge past in e-sports . After playing for several ephemeral teams, he is chosen to replace Krepo at MLG Dallas 2012 on the recommendations of several players. He became known thanks to his abilities as a support, thanks to Janna, champion with which he ranked as a top-player while only playing that pick (mid or support). Brophy

Joe « Brophy » Brophy

Nationality :  English
Age : 23 years old
Role : Manager

Joe Brophy is what you might call a hyperactive eSport protagonist. Present in the video gaming world since World of Warcraft – Burning Crusade, he started his League of Legends career 2011. In May 2013 he created the Avalanche org which had the team Avalanche Prime in it that will be at the time consisted of amateur players at diamond level. Very quickly Avalanche Prime became and stayed at the top of Challenger. In parallel, he will continue to assist in organizing tournaments for KaosTv (challenger series). He is recognized by his peers as one of the most active in the European scene in eSports management.

Video Statement from Rémy « Llewellys » Chanson , Esport Director for Millenium



Translation in progress

Statement from Jean-Marc « Bjoran » Gaudin , Coach for Millenium.LoL


Not so long ago, Cedric Page, President of Millenium had declared in an interview that a major objective of the company in 2014 would be to have a League of Legends team in LCS , as head of the department, it was obvious that he would find a solution to meet this objective.

In December I went with Llewellys in Cologne for the " up and down" as a spectator but also and especially to create some opportunities and position ourselves as a structure in search of a team for season 2014.
The idea was to get in touch with the newly qualified teams but it was another team that contacted us in the days that followed
. Ex -Alternate and this option was unanimously approved of within the Millennium structure.
The presence of Creaton who was also present at Cologne has largely facilitated contacts .

This recruitment is a real teamwork as to finalize such a project it takes a financial, media strength and appropriate supervision and it is with great pleasure that we can announce that the team will play under Millenium colors for 2014 season.

The objectives will be first of all to continue in different "split" but you could see last season that without his injury, Creaton would have enabled his team to rank above the fifth position, ranking further up therefore seems not impossible if all goes well .


Statement from Alvar « Araneae » Martin Aleñar ,  Millenium.LoL player


We are pretty excited and happy to find in Millenium such a good structure to compete with. I personally know a lot of Millenium and I'm really looking forward to work together for a long time. We are Millenium !

Statement from Joe « Brophy » Brophy , Manager for Millenium.LoL


Hello everyone, I'm Joe Brophy the League of Legends of Manager of Millenium who acquired the team I was managing in Alternate. I'm really excited about this opportunity and I’m hoping to work closely with the staff of Millenium to get the best results possible for my team! I look forward to working with Millenium and the players during 2014 in the LCS and most of all making sure we all reach the top and get to the LoL World Championship’s for all you wonderful fans! I hope to see you all in Germany at the LCS cheering for Millenium!

Millenium's Line up :

Kevin « Kev1n » Rubiszewski - Solo Top
Alvar « Araneae » Martin Aleñar - Jungler
Adrian « Kerp » Wetekam - Mid
Jakub « Creaton » Grzegorzewski - AD Carry Alexander « Jree » Bergström - Support
Olivier « Olly » Debeuf- Coach Joe « Joe » Brophy -  Manager

  • Version Française
  • Version anglaise
Jackmaa il y a 10 ans

Je sais pas si les joueurs vont lire ça. Mais punaise à leurs je serais démoralisé, vu le taunt etc. Bref moi perso je les soutiens, car j'aimerais plus que tout qu'une team FR marque l'E-sport. Espérons. Et attendons les prochains matchs pour juger. GL guys.

MagoCE il y a 10 ans

waouuu le taunt sur bjoran koi c supeeeer fort...

sosk91 il y a 10 ans

Obvious mais congrat's !!!<br /> C'est une très bonne équipe !

Nostradivirus il y a 10 ans

EG= Alliance, c'est les Ex CLG.EU qui on était acheté. Mais je chipote. Et puis honnêtement j'suis sur que ceux qui critique seront ceux qui achèterons l'icone M en premiers ! Par contre vue que la LU doit avoir une fan base Européenne, engager un vrai traducteur ne peut pas faire de mal !

DarkY0da il y a 10 ans

Gg pour l'esport français malgré tout ..

Petiroi il y a 10 ans

Bon courage. En espérant que cette nouvelle line-up durera un peu plus de trois mois, comme à chaque fois..

zozo-63 il y a 10 ans

je pourrais simplement pas appelé cette équipe Millenium posé un nom sur équipe ne me donne aucunement envie de les soutenir :/

Harcole il y a 10 ans

Hmmer était cool cela dit

MagoCE il y a 10 ans

Noooo Notik pas mon Linak moi je l'aime bien...

Ozran il y a 10 ans

Ho gg Millenium ! Là par contre vous n'avez aucune raison de disband, vous ne devez pas nous décevoir, vu les gros joueurs que vous venez de recruter !

Roi Jargonnien il y a 10 ans

Je pense pas que si vous auriez été Suédois d'être déçus de vois Fnatic sans suédois, les Ex-M5 sans structure russe.

MagoCE il y a 10 ans

envoyé de son iphone

sanussi92 il y a 10 ans

Je suis content de voir Millenium dans les LCS qu'elle a ten convoiter mais c'est sur que s'aurais préférer voir de fr qui eu auraient eu la fierté de pour les couleur de M et de représenter la France face a l'Europe.

sanussi92 il y a 10 ans


LiXoX il y a 10 ans

bester , notik qui soutiennent un choix de Millenium , c'était dans vos résolutions de 2014 ^^ <br /> Coach - Olivier 'Olly' Debeuf<br /> Manager - Joe 'Joe' Brophy<br /> <br /> je ne vois pas de bjoran officiellement du moins, il va sans doute s'occuper seulement de l'administratif

bester il y a 10 ans

Pour une fois j'ai rien a dire de mauvais sur cette line-up M :P<br /> J'espère juste qu'elle vas pas se planter vu que c'est pas Millénium qui a constituer l'équipe, par contre j'ai un peu peur quand je vois que c'est Bjoran qui va être le coach, j'espère que c'est pas lui qui va donner les strat des games et toutiquanti, il était assez doué pour faire l'intendant des joueurs mais coach, j'ai un peu peur.

cana28 il y a 10 ans

FLord a certes très bien joué au debut des LCS, mais au fur à mesure il a montré ses limites concernant le jeu en team, je prefere voir Kerp au mid que FLord perso.

sbourf il y a 10 ans

Puis quand ils parlent de GH en Allemagne, faut pas imaginer la GH de Marseille avec rédacteurs, gérants de l'équipes, streamers etc... A mon avis, quand ils parlent de GH en Allemagne, ca va se limiter à un grand appart où vivent les 6 mecs, un peu de matos (des pc, des cams, et du matos de mixage pour les streams)dont le loyer sera payé par la dotation Riot... Y'a qu'à voir ce qu'était la GH des *aAa* pendant le spring split l'année dernière.

PyroCinder il y a 10 ans

Go mettre a jour les guides maintenant !

LIKE A BAWS il y a 10 ans

Clairement Kev1n n'est pas connu pour ses plays, mais plutôt comme un top solide qui farm bien et meurs pas souvent, alors certes il carry pas souvent, mais il est bon.<br /> <br /> Concernant Flord je suis pas d'accord, c'est lui qui portais l'équipe a ses débuts et qui faisais les games ( une partie moyenne pour lui entrainais souvent la défaite de l'équipe, même si Kerp a montrer de belle chose au BotA )<br /> <br /> Content pour Millenium en tout cas, surement la meilleur line-up LCS qui étais dispo, GL a eux.


En Continu

20:00 LoL - Patch 14.10 : La cour féérique est de retour avec 4 nouvelles apparences absolument magnifiques
15:00 MSI : 2 matchs, 2 victoires faciles dans ce deuxième jour du Play-In !
15:30 MSI 2024 : Flyquest et T1 réussissent leur entrée dans le tournoi !
21:30 C'est un des changements dont League of Legends avait le plus besoin, et très bonne nouvelle ça pourrait enfin arriver sur le jeu !
20:59 LoL — Patch notes 14.9 : Mise à jour visuelle de Lee Sin et nerfs en pagaille
18:00 Ce grand père a plus de 60 ans, il joue à League of Legends, et il est devenu le plus gros cauchemar de Riot Games !
14:35 LoL : La Prime League remporte les EMEA Masters, un bilan catastrophe pour la LFL ?
11:15 Preview MSI : La LPL peut-elle réussir à défendre son titre ?
21:00 Elle se fait licencier par Riot Games avant de retravailler sur LoL dans la même journée, et on vous explique comment cela est possible
12:40 EMEA Masters Spring : La LFL ne rejoindra pas la Prime League en finale des EMEA Masters !



LoL — Patch notes 14.8 : Le patch du MSI 2024 !
LCK Spring Split : Une finale qui entre dans la légende !
Après plus de 14 ans, Riot Games régle enfin l'un des plus gros problèmes de LoL


à découvrir

League of Legends : Tier List des champions en Saison 13
Guide pour Ahri Mid en S13
Guide pour Ashe ADC en S13