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[ENG] Interview Copenhagen Wolves - Showmatch CSGO Epsilon vs CPH Wolves

Showmatch CSGO Epsilon vs CPH Wolves
[ENG] Interview Copenhagen Wolves
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  • Interview Epsilon
  • Interview Copenhagen Wolves
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  • [ENG] Interview Epsilon

The Danes from Copenhagen Wolves granted us an interview, through their member Jacob "Pimp" Winneche. He told us his mind about the recent changes on the french CS:GO scene and the new map pool, and the Wolves' next goal.


[M] Laemey : Three months after joining Copenhagen Wolves, how do you feel in this organisation ? Is your team going well ?

Jacob "Pimp" Winneche : Yeah as it is right now its a pleassure to play Counter strike again. It has for a while been alot of disapointments regarding CS for me personally, 3DMAX, Reason Gaming and these teams never really got success. Luckly that changed with the rise of this team, as we all know how good we can be. We know that this team potentially and realistically have the chance to become a top 5 team in the world at least again. As for Copenhagen Wolves everything seems fine, they're danish so they are easy to communicate with !


All of you, except Karrigan, had already been member of Copenhagen Wolves with one of the former line-ups. How does it feel, joining an organisation you know, but with a different team ?


It feels great. We got a few offers when we formed the team, but we chosed Copenhagen Wolves for the same reason you mention. We all know them, they're danish and we know they have the ambition and the money to support us in our campaign.


Can you briefly explain the role of each player in your team ?


Gla1ve is our ingame leader, he is the guy who makes the calls and controls the ingame things for us. Cajun is a really clever and skilled player who is able to put up big frag numbers, clutches, and help gla1ve with some ideas ingame. Nico is our AWP (sniper) and his job basically is to kill people with the AWP ! Karrigan is kinda our support player. He knows all kinds of smokes, got lots of ideas, and also helps gla1ve creating tactics etc. As for myself, Pimp, I'm supossed to kill people.




gla1ve, In Game Leader



What do you think are your team's strengths and weaknesses ?


I think our biggest Strenght is that we're so skilled as we are. We all know how good we can be, if we get the roles we want. That can sometime cause some problems as people useally like some of eachothers roles, but luckily for us it has been going okay so far. As for weakness, it would propely be our practice schedule. I dont think we practice as much as everyone else as we all also have commitments outside the game.


You probably heard about the changes on the french CSGO scene. Now, you're going to face Epsilon, which is one of the results of these changes. What do you think about this new team ?


Epsilon got the potiental to become really good. I think its "fair" to say that they somekind are the leftovers from the other 2 teams, which causes that the players they have on their team, might not fit perfect together. On the other hand you never really know before you have played with them on a team, so it could work out well for them. We all know what the likes of Scream and fxyO are capable of.


The map pool used in this showmatch will be the same as the one used in ESL One Cologne 2014, including Cobblestone, Cache and Overpass. What is your feedback about these maps ?


I think Overpass is a decent map and I think its fair to say that it can be used in tournaments. As for Cobblestone I still don't get what the hell went through Valves mind, and I think the matches at ESL showed it pretty well. I hope it get switched out with either Season or maybe a new version of train ? Who knows, cobblestone is nevertheless too big, too weird, and too random to be played from my point of view.


What is your next goal in CS:GO ?


To become a top 5 team in the world I would say. There are so many good teams at the moment, so even getting there will be a huge struggle. I believe we have what it takes, and as long as we all do that, I think we have a fair shot at making that goal. We have all been representing a top 3-5 team in the world at some point in our Carriers, so we know we can do it again !


This interview comes to an end, thanks for answering my questions. The final words belong to you.


Thanks a lot ! I'll look forward to the showmatch and I'll hope you do the same ! Thanks to Copenhagen Wolves and obviously their partners who are making this possible for us !


  • Le bilan
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  • Interview Epsilon
  • Interview Copenhagen Wolves
  • [ENG] Preview
  • [ENG] Interview Epsilon
  • [ENG] Interview Copenhagen Wolves
Gaap il y a 9 ans

Lol c les chiffre des syndicat ou de la police?<br /> Osef des chiffres il y a que Lwl que ça intéresse.<br /> Sinon plutot sympas le showmatch

Edword il y a 9 ans

Starcrafteur de base, j'ai passé une bonne soirée.<br /> Vive CS GO !

GoldenHam il y a 9 ans

Très bonne soirée et très beau showmatch hier soir, mes félicitions et un grand merci à toutes les personnes qui ont rendu cela possible.<br /> Cependant, bien que les commentaires aient été agréables, j'aurais aimé qu'ils soient un peu moins descriptif et d'avantage analytique et didactique.<br /> En espérant que ce genre d’événement se répétera !

dober il y a 9 ans

le lien sera t'il sur ? et le stream sera sur twitch ou dailymotion ?, de ses 2 choses dépendra le nombre de viewvers, 1k ou +20k

pipo59 il y a 9 ans

go suivre ce showmatch , histoire que lwl réflechis pour une team H ^^

ShiniZzz il y a 9 ans

Merci, on espère que vous suivrez l'événement. Nous aussi nous aimerions avoir une belle line up ! ;)

Traffounet56 il y a 9 ans

tres bon debut , en esperant qu'un de c'est quatre l'on puisse voir une belle line up M

dober il y a 9 ans

Bonne initiative, c'est un très bon début


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à découvrir

Le mode d'emploi du ranking dans CSGO
Guide : Plan maps officielles
Armes et accessoires de CS GO