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[ENG] Interview 3DMAX - Showmatch Platinium vs 3DMAX

Showmatch Platinium vs 3DMAX
[ENG] Interview 3DMAX
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  • Interview 3DMAX
  • [ENG] Preview
  • [ENG] Interview Platinium

This Showmatch is also an opportunity for us to learn a little more about this new team that is 3DMAX. As a member of this finnish team recruited by a french-based organisation, Joona "natu" Leppänen told Millenium about the creation of his team, and its recruitment by 3DMAX.


[M] Laemey : Your team has been created last July, under the name of « ENCORE ». You are still a pretty young team, how are your trainings doing ?

Joona "natu" Leppänen: We have been on a little break after ESWC since we were all kinda tired and needed to take a little time off from playing. We have just recently started preparing for the future and it is quite simply playing against the other teams and coming up with new tactics.


Last September, you joined 3DMAX, a french-based association. How do you feel in this organization ?


We have felt right at home from the beginning, they have taken a good care of us and everything has been very smooth. I have nothing but good things to say about 3DMAX. Big thanks goes to them for believing in us!


Can you briefly explain the role of each player in your team ?


- REFLEX is our in game leader and the guy who works most around tactics.
- xartE is our main AWPer.
- KHRN has the sickest aim in the team so he's there to bring chaos most of the time in front lines.
- disturbed is an all-around player who might be lurking or going up first. Depends on the map and strategy.
- I also get very versatile roles depending on map and certain tactics. Sometimes I roam alone and sometimes I go up first.


What do you think are your team's strengths and weaknesses ?


I think our worst enemy altogether is ourselves. If we focus 100% we can be a very hard team to beat, but we need to dig that out of ourselves more often. Our strength is definitely when we have our game going and how we figure out midround situations.


Some teams prefer online events, while some others are more interested in offline tournaments. What does your team prefer to focus on ? Why ?


I personally don't like the fact that CS:GO is heavily online based competition at this time. We prefer offline tournaments any day of the week. In an offline tournament everyone plays in equal conditions in terms of PCs, pings and so forth. Also for us we seem to usually perform whole alot better in offline tournaments.


What is your next goal in CS:GO ?


My next goal is to win this showmatch :)


This interview comes to an end, thanks for answering my questions. The final words belong to you.


Big thanks to 3DMAX and all our great fans out there. We are very glad to have you!

  • Présentation
  • Interview Platinium
  • Interview 3DMAX
  • [ENG] Preview
  • [ENG] Interview Platinium
  • [ENG] Interview 3DMAX
GoldenHam il y a 9 ans

Platinium, j'me permet de rêver un peu ;)

ShiniZzz il y a 9 ans

quels futurs Millenium ?

GoldenHam il y a 9 ans

Nice ! Je bet sur les futur Millenium ;)


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à découvrir

Le mode d'emploi du ranking dans CSGO
Guide : Plan maps officielles
Armes et accessoires de CS GO