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Patch du 20 juin 2013

Patch du 20 juin 2013

Le patch de cette semaine apporte un nouveau système de guildes et la mise en place d'un système anti-triche.

Patch du 20 juin 2013

Alors que la Dreamhack vient de se finir et que la sortie de Dota 2 a été annoncé pour cet été, Valve continue de mettre à jour son futur jeu. Au programme du patch de cette semaine, on notera l'introduction d'un système de guildes permettant de regrouper les joueurs et la préparation en vue de la mise en place de VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat), un système anti-triche de Valve. 



- CM Time Penalty change from 20/50/90 to 30/70/110.
- Fixed it being possible to find out where enemy player cameras were looking.
- Prepared Dota 2 for VAC support.

- Added support for forming and managing Guilds. You can invite, kick, promote, and demote members. They have a guild message that can be edited, a logo, and a chat channel. We'll be continuing with development of additional Guild functionality!
- Added the ability to open a party to a guild, which allows members of a specified guild to freely join the party. Players can browse open guild parties that are available to them.
- NOTE: Guilds will remain disabled on the main client this week. They should be fully live next week.
- Quick Cast moved to separate keybindings, instead of sharing autocast's bindings.
- Quick Cast can now be used on the minimap.
- Private lobbies can now specify the Dota TV delay between 10 seconds and two minutes. Six minute delay is available for league lobbies.
- The list of matchmaking regions is now sorted by distance from the user. Closer regions will be at the top of the list.
- The matchmaking system will now notify players if a region they wish to play in has gone offline for maintenance.
- Removed spectator item popups for wards, couriers, and dust.
- Fixed Aegis reclaim message popping up erroneously.

- Updates and minor revisions to some Zeus, Alch, and Pugna ability SFX.
- Added -nomicsettings launch option for users of external voice chat software.

- Fixed a crash that could occur on multi-core CPUs.
- Fixed a crash when returning from alt-tab.
- Fixed an audio problem that could occur when disabling the active audio device.

- Added 7 pages of Main Event predictions.
- Added Team Cup results page.

- Fixed limited hero selection in Workshop In-Game test.
- Added particle import step to some weapon importers that have gameplay-required particles attached to them (in-game particle preview not finished yet).


En Continu

19:30 "C'est la chose la plus drôle que Valve ait jamais faite", les devs de ce jeu se moquent de lui avant de le bannir
18:15 Viré pour avoir soutenu la guerre en Ukraine "par accident"
13:15 Plusieurs joueurs coincés en Roumanie après le TI 2021, quelle galère !
10:50 Team Spirit validée par Vladimir Poutine après sa victoire du TI
14:22 Team Spirit remporte le TI 2021 et 18 millions !
15:40 The International 10 se déroulera finalement en Roumanie du 7 au 17 octobre
15:37 DotA 2 : Quelques changements pour le DotA Pro Circuit et The International 2021
01:15 Gambit présente son nouveau roster DotA 2
00:01 DotA 2 : TNC Predator perd son capitaine
23:02 DotA 2 : Topson, père depuis peu, ne jouera pas le prochain tournoi


à découvrir

Index des guides Millenium
Introduction à DotA 2
Pudge, Ganker