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English Version - Entretien avec kaSing de H2K

Entretien avec kaSing de H2K
English Version
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Fraîchement arrivés en LCS grâce à leur victoire lors du Tournoi d'Expansion, les H2k ont plutôt mal commencé le split. Alternant victoires et défaites, l'équipe s'est stabilisée depuis deux semaines puisqu'elle comptabilise 4 victoires d'affilée. kaSing, ancien support des Supa Hot Crew, a depuis une semaine remplacé Voidle en botlane, et semble se mêler parfaitement à la line-up des H2k.

Nous avons donc décidé de poser quelques questions au joueur britannique afin d'apprendre à le connaître plus.



[M] Callystoo : First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions! Lets start talking about your career. You first became "famous" when you played for SHC last season. You joined the team as support in the middle of the season and you seemed well integrated in the line-up. Still you ended up leaving SHC with Impaler in October 2014. What are the reasons for that? Was it your choice or were you kicked out of the team?

[H2k] kaSing : Basically around the time after playoffs when we just won vs Millenium, the team had several talks in regards to what happens with the team which include talks about roster changes. Impaler was the main shot caller during my time in SHC and since they decided to replace him, the team did not have a dedicated shotcaller anymore and wanted to get a shotcaller within the support role. I was fairly new to the LCS scene so my ability to shotcall wasn't that good so it was understandable at the time. However, I dont think the team manager/org knew how to handle the situation properly because they did not communicate this to me but rather I found out from rumours which was pretty stressful time for me.


Later you ended up joining Gamers2. You did compete for the "Expansion Tournament" but unfortunately didn't succeed. Was G2 your first choice? If yes, why? If not, what team would you rather have joined then?

I had a few offers from both EU/NA non-lcs after I left, I decided to go with G2 because I felt that the team had potential to qualify for LCS at the time since from the vods I've watched them play, it looked like they had good synergy and the players were great to play with. I really enjoyed my time during G2 and I wish my previous teammates the best in the future.


Last week we heared that you're joining H2K. How did you end up in this team? Was it H2K that contacted you first or were you the one trying to get in touch with them?

H2k contacted me after I lost in the coke league qualifying round against Nevo (now G2) since I had no clear plan on what to do next. I got a few offers actually aside from H2k but I felt that H2k had more ambitious goals and players that are dedicated and willing to improve in my personal view.


Since the season started, we've seen H2k having a good coordination and better teamwork as time goes on. This week, with yourself as support, the synergy was obvious. What assets do you think you bring to the team? Were you able to practice a lot before the 2 encounters this week?

I think I bring in a positive and motivated attitude towards scrims/soloq/everything in general. It's not that I dislike having fun and relaxing but I think I bring in also more communication cross-map in regards to every player in the team rather than just the ADC which most supports tend to do. Also, I assist with shotcalling in regards to how we move around the map and vision control so I guess H2k found a good fit to adapt to their current playstyle.


You've been playing along with three differend AD carries lastly: MrRallez, Kobbe and Hjärnan. How hard is it to have to play with a new partner that often? Was there a particular AD carry you struggled to played with in terms of ingame playstyle? When a situation like this occurs, how do you manage to fix it?

I think new lane partners are easy to work with as long as they don't get mad, rage, tilt, whatever you call it. For me, if the player wants to improve/get better, keeping a stable relationship with your adc is a big factor because if they do not respect you as a player, there are bound to be a lot of problems regarding ego/trust etc. I rarely struggle when playing with new adcs because I usually underrate them before I play with them in order to give less pressure on them performing. Regarding if a situation occurs that if I struggle with an AD carry, I think communicating between each other is vital to understand what they would do in a situation which you would disagree on and sort it out in order to improve as a duo.


We've seen you play Thresh against Unicorns of Love and Annie against SK Gaming, can we expect you to play something more exotic like a support Veigar for example as we saw last Saturday on the NA LCS? Are there champions you're affraid to play? If yes, why?

Regarding new supports, I can assure you in the future I will show something but it just isn't possible right now since I'm still getting used to my new team H2k. I've only been playing with them for about nearly 3 weeks. Also, I have to get used to a new ADC being Hjärnan who performs exceptionally well in every game I've played with him. He's definitely easy to work with which I didn't know about before. I was surprised at how much knowledge he knew about bot lane in general and I'm really happy that I'm playing with him.


Speaking about the LCS in general, Europeans teams have all had their share of replacements. What do you think of Fnatic's line-up? Were you expecting them to perform this well? Concerning Element, what would you identify to be their major problems at the moment?

I think Fnatic's lineup would do really well because Yellowstar is the main carry of the team. His ability to shotcall/lead an entire team who may be mechanically gifted but indecisive meant that Yellowstar could just mould the team around what he wants to do and knowing that the team would follow your calls is a really nice feeling for him. I think Element's major problem right now is that they are too afraid to take risk or make plays when they are behind which is not good for a team of their calibur. Even after their benching of Wickd, it didn't make much difference because the general playstyle of the team is passive which would get abused by players who know how to punish this playstyle.


pr0lly is the coach for H2k. What does he bring to the team on a regular basis? Do you think having coaches present for picks and ban phase is beneficial for the teams? Do the advices they give matter that much or is it more their psychological support on scene that helps?

Pr0lly gives much more than what a normal coach would give because most he was a professional LoL player before which gives him a ton of experience regarding what he thinks about the game. Also, pr0lly understands what picks are the most efficient as well as what comp would fit during pick and ban phase so he is a huge factor for our recent success.


Last question, what are the objectives for H2k first for the Spring Split and in the long term after the season?

I think we are aiming for top 4 for the spring split and potentially make it to worlds in the summer but it's still too soon to say since many things may change in the future.


You have the final word, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

I would like to thank you for the interview, my fans for supporting me and also H2K and their sponsors MSI, CaseKing, Corsair, Azubu & Multiplay.

  • Version française
  • English Version
grabuche il y a 9 ans

Très bonne initiative de faire ces interviews, ça fait plaisir de voir que Millenium peut se renseigner sur les Lcs sans passer par Lol esport ou d'autres sites d'actu esport.<br /> <br /> En plus, Kasing dit des choses intéressantes sur ses choix et ses équipes, je pense comme lui que H2K va finir top4 de ce split.<br /> <br /> Clairement à refaire !


En Continu

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12:40 EMEA Masters Spring : La LFL ne rejoindra pas la Prime League en finale des EMEA Masters !
12:00 Preview MSI : G2 Esports, unique espoir de l'Europe ?



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LCK Spring Split : Une finale qui entre dans la légende !
Après plus de 14 ans, Riot Games régle enfin l'un des plus gros problèmes de LoL


à découvrir

League of Legends : Tier List des champions en Saison 13
Guide pour Ahri Mid en S13
Guide pour Ashe ADC en S13