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Overwatch Patch PTR 1.28 : patch note complet

Overwatch Patch PTR 1.28 : patch note complet

Avec l'arrivée de la nouvelle map à Busan, le PTR 1.28 ouvre ses portes afin de la tester, mais d'autres modifications sont également au menu.

Overwatch Patch PTR 1.28 : patch note complet

Le patch note 1.28 est disponible et quelques nouveautés sont arrivées sur les serveurs PTR !

Premièrement, la nouvelle map de contrôle Busan est disponible, ensuite, un filtre complet a été ajouté dans la galerie des héros.

Et enfin, deux nouveaux modes de jeux en arcade ont été ajoutés :

  • Combat à mort mystère : il fonctionne comme le Héros Mystère mais avec le principe du combat à mort à 8 joueurs.
  • Le 6v6 sur la map Busan.

(les images proviennent de JudgeHype)


Patch note complet (EN)

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – August 22, 2018A new Overwatch patch is currently in development and now available for testing. To share your feedback or report and issue, please post in the PTR Feedback or PTR Bug Report forums.

Please note that the below patch notes only include changes currently available for testing on the PTR. While many of these changes will also be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in a future patch, the PTR is PC-only and therefore will only reflect changes coming specifically to that platform.


Travel to Busan, South Korea and battle for control across three distinct locales within one map: Sanctuary, Downtown, and MEKA Base.

Explore the serene setting of the Sanctuary, surrounded by an ancient temple, beautiful gardens, and historic architecture. Clash in the bustling metropolis of Downtown, where players will fight across a busy PC bang, flashy karaoke bar, and central light rail station (just watch out for the train). Contest for position in MEKA Base—home of South Korea’s frontline defense against the gwishin omnic attacks: D.Va and the rest of the MEKA squad.


View all of the cosmetics Overwatch has to offer with our new Filter feature in the Hero Gallery. Customize your search for cosmetics by category (including seasonal events or whether they're from the Overwatch League), rarity, and whether they are unlocked or waiting to be collected.



Biotic Rifle : Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Ana


Shield Bash : Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)


Earthshatter : Now will consistently hit enemies near walls
No longer will hit enemies that enter the damage cone after the “wave” has passed that area
No longer will damage enemies behind barriers blocking it, even if the barrier is later dropped or destroyed
Will always travel up inclines and around the payload

Developer Comments: We’ve given Earthshatter a complete overhaul to combat inconsistencies with its performance. These changes will make Earthshatter’s behavior more predictable and effective.


Widow's Kiss : Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Widowmaker



Mercy now begins the match with her Caduceus Blaster equipped
Blizzard World is now available to play in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch
1v1 Mystery Heroes

Mercy now begins the match with her Caduceus Blaster equipped



Fixed a bug that prevented Torbjörn Armor Packs Created statistic from updating if the ability landed directly on a friendly target
Communication Wheel

[PC] Fixed a bug that caused a delay in selecting options on the Communication Wheel when cycling left using a mouse



Fixed a bug that caused Brigitte’s Shield Bash movement to be interrupted when she impacted Symmetra’s turrets

Fixed a bug that allowed D.Va to escape the map if she used Call Mech while standing on Mei’s Ice Wall


Fixed a bug that caused Dragonstrike Arrow size to be larger than his other arrows


Fixed a bug that caused Mei’s Cryo-freeze to block the line of sight for Mei’s Blizzard


Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to gain ultimate charge from using her damage beam on attacks that cannot be damage boosted


Fixed a bug that prevented Reaper’s Shadow Step from going on cooldown if he was interrupted


Fixed a bug that prevented Roadhog’s alternate fire now calculates falloff damage correctly


Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Reinhardt’s Earthshatter from landing if he was launched into the air during its cast


Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra from destroying her Translocator if she was stunned or hacked


Fixed a bug that prevented Sombra’s Hack from canceling Symmetra’s Photon Barrier placement
Fixed a bug that caused Symmetra’s teleport UI to persist after being eliminated


Fixed a bug that caused Widowmaker’s scoped shots on hero placed objects to count against her Scoped Weapon Accuracy statistic


Fixed a bug that allowed Wrecking Ball’s Piledriver to deal damage twice if he slid off the environment during its duration
Fixed a bug that allowed Wrecking Ball’s primary fire to continue working if it was disabled in custom game

Overwatch : un nouveau court-métrage sur l'histoire de !

Blizzard vient de sortir un tout nouveau court-métrage d'animation autour du lore de la gameuse coréenne :

Overwatch : Fin du Nano Cola Challenge !

Suite à la nouvelle cinématique consacrée à, un nouveau skin épique avait été révélé. Celui-ci a été confirmé officiellement via le nouveau Challenge Overwatch permettant de récolter des récompenses exclusives.

Camille Chabroud
Milkameluna  - Rédactrice JV

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En Continu

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à découvrir

Guide du débutant
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