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Anthem : Patch 1.0.3, mise à jour, patch notes

Il ne fait aucun doute qu'Anthem est devenu tristement célèbre à cause de ses hordes de bugs féroces et de ses fonctionnalités incomplètes. Heureusement, les développeurs enchaînent les mises à jour pour corriger tout cela petit à petit.

Anthem : Patch 1.0.3, mise à jour, patch notes

C'est avec une semaine de retard que certains changements promis pour l'amélioration du système de butin vont arriver avec cette mise à jour prévue pour ce 9 mars 2019, comme la suppression des objets blancs et verts au niveau 30. Ce n'est pas la seule bonne nouvelle, de nombreux équilibrages sont apportés aux armes, aux javelins (qui gagnent en puissance et progresseront mieux), ainsi qu'aux ennemis (qui sont rééquilibrés ou rendus plus faibles). Par exemple, les titans seront moins pénibles et ennuyeux. Le système de réapparition (respawn) a aussi droit à une importante révision, il faut dire que dans sa version actuelle, il était aberrant et insupportable, il était possible d'être bloqué sans pouvoir rien faire ni pouvoir quitter le jeu, en attendant que le dernier joueur en vie revienne de son AFK. La seule solution était de faire Alt+F4 ou de revenir au menu de la console puis de relancer le jeu. De très nombreux bugs vont aussi être corrigés. Il faut espérer que tous ces patchs ne retarderont pas l'arrivée du nouveau contenu, dont Anthem, a bien besoin aussi pour donner de quoi s'occuper à ses joueurs.

Vous pouvez trouver les notes de mise à jour en anglais ici, nous avons traduit les principaux changements en attendant les notes de mise à jour officielles en français, comme la liste est massive.

Corrections et changements importants

  • Les restrictions de réapparition ont été supprimées - Le délais de réapparition est à présent basé sur le type d'activité en cours. L'histoire principale, les missions d'agents, et les autres types de missions qui ne sont pas de haut niveau ont à présent un délai de réapparition de 10 secondes. Les Forteresses, Contrats légendaires et autres missions de haut niveau ont un délai de réapparition de 30 secondes. Le délai de réapparition en mode Exploration libre est inchangé.
  • Changements du butin - Les objets communs (blancs) et inhabituels (verts) ne peuvent plus apparaître pour les joueurs de niveau 30.
  • Amélioration de la stabilité sur toutes les plateformes - Cela comprend des corrections pour de nombreux problèmes qui provoquaient des plantages ainsi que des problèmes de connexion.
  • Améliorations de l'audio - Correction de problèmes qui pouvaient provoquer la coupure du son.

Corrections générales et améliorations

  • Fixed a number of issues that were blocking players from accessing the Forge
  • All missions should now properly end when all conditions have been met
  • The inbox now properly displays information on PC (the inbox is found in the newsfeed)
  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to be unable to interact with NPCs in Fort Tarsis
  • The vault is no longer accessible from the Forge. This change was made to improve performance
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the game to hang when entering menus while on an expedition
    Titans will no longer respawn on missions after they are defeated. Example: if players defeat 2 out of 3 titans and then wipe on the third, the first two will not reappear when players respawn during a mission
  • Server shutdown messages should now appear less often
  • The ability to Quickplay into a Stronghold has been added back to the game
  • Mouse button 4 is no longer bound to the back button for PC players
  • Crashes that occurred while selecting certain conversation options when interacting with an NPC have been fixed
  • Players should no longer get stuck at the end of the “Tomb of General Tarsis” mission
  • Players should now run into less issues during Quickplay missions. Additional improvements to Quickplay will be coming in future updates
  • Players should no longer get stuck behind fogwalls on missions or in strongholds as often
  • Players should now receive credit for the “There Be Giants” challenge when they are downed and when the event is active
  • Improved the audio when defeating creatures to provide better feedback
  • Changed wording for server shutdown messaging to better indicate that it is just the players server shutting down, not the entire game server
  • Players may now launch an expedition from anywhere within the launch bay and Fort Tarsis.
  • PS4 led lights will now change based on the javelin being used
  • It should now be harder for players to get stun locked by certain enemy compositions
  • The values on max flight time inscriptions have been increased
  • The appearance of the N7 vinyl on Legion of Dawn armor has been improved
  • Haluk will now properly face players during certain dialogue scenes
  • The message “Open the Cortex to track the legionnaire Challenges” will no longer pop up after completing the appropriate challenges


  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to get stuck at the entrance to the sewers in the Temple of the Scar Stronghold

Changements des monstres

  • Titans: We have made several balance changes to all variations of TitansReduced overall damage mitigation from 100% to between 70% and 75% depending on the damage type.
  • Increased the time that weakpoints are exposed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented effects from applying and thus preventing combos.
  • Increased the damage the Titan takes from weakpoint hits.
  • Lesser Titan’s weakpoint’s have been changed to always be active.
  • Improved the collision on the ring and seeking projectile attacks. This should make them easier to dodge.
  • Decreased the radius of the seeking projectile attack.
  • Decreased the damage done by the self-destruct ability.
  • Frozen Scar Enforcers and Scrappers can no longer move or attack while frozen.
  • The Monitor’s health has been greatly reduced in the Heart of Rage Stronghold.
  • ForcePlayers will be less likely to be repeatedly staggered by heavy attacks.
  • Adjusted the force applied by some creature attacks down which will lower the frequency of player’s being staggered.

Dégâts et changements de la progression en puissance des objets

  • Adjusted the damage scaling of secondary damage sources. These now scale with Average Item Power. This will allow these damage sources to better scale in the Grandmaster Difficulties. This will increase the scaling of the following:
  • Melee Damage
  • Combo Damage
  • Ultimate Damage
  • Status Effects
  • Item Procs (e.g. Proc from Yvenia’s Thunder)
  • Item Power scaling has changed to better reflect the actual power of the item based on its rarity. This is applied to all items retroactively. Players will see the Power of their items go up.

Corrections de bugs de gameplay

  • The Ultimate ability bar will no longer appear full at the start of a mission when it isn’t actually full
  • Weapon recoil will now stop once an exo is looking straight up
  • Fixed a number of animation issues that could occur when the Colossus was using its shield
  • It should no longer be possible for the Interceptor to become Frozen while starting up their ultimate
  • Interceptor Aura damage will now deal the correct type of damage based on the active aura
  • Players can no longer equip abilities from one javelin to another
  • The Colossus can now use gear faster after being attacked by a heavy hit from enemies
  • The Colossus can now shield charge through destructible objects such as explosive canisters or harvest nodes
  • The Colossus now recovers faster after crashing into walls

Équilibrage des objets

  • Increased the base health of Wind Wall and Bulwark Point to provide better scaling in higher difficulties. The duration of these has been reduced to 20 seconds, down from 60 seconds
  • Burst Mortar’s damage has been increased to 300, up from 145 and its cooldown has been reduced to 6 seconds, down from 10 seconds. Its description has also been fixed
  • Flak Cannon’s damage has been increased to 42, up from 30
  • Battle Cry’s description has been updated to explain that it also reduces the resistances of affected targets
  • Wraith Strike’s damage has been increased to 250, up from 200 and it will now apply elemental effect to targets based on the active auraNote: Description text for Wraith Strike will be updated in 1.0.4.

Correction de bugs d'objets

  • Wind Wall should no longer block or interfere with other player abilities
  • Ranger Grenadier Component will now correctly lower the cooldown of grenade abilities
  • Fixed an issue where certain weapons were not firing where the crosshairs were aimed
  • The Ice Blast ability for the Storm javelin now has the primer icon correctly displayed

Corrections de bugs d'inscriptions

  • The Thruster Delay Recovery inscription is now correctly applying a bonus
  • The Overheat Delay Recovery inscription is now correctly applying a bonus
  • The Weapon Reload Bonus inscription is now correctly applying a bonus
  • Note: These will have non-updated text values until the next patch (1.0.4)

Mise à jour de l'équilibrage des objets magistraux

Increased the base damage of the following Masterwork Weapons :

  • Ralner’s Blaze
  • Rolling Carnage
  • Cycle of Pain
  • The Last Stand
  • Glorious Result
  • Insult and Injury
  • Sentinel Vengeance
  • Gnosta’s Balm
  • Vassa’s Surprise
  • Soothing Touch
  • Renewed Courage
  • Artinia’s Gambit

Corrections de bugs affectant les objets magistraux

  • Ralner’s Blaze - Will no longer roll with incorrect inscriptions
  • Ablative Shielding now provides the proper boost in shield and armor
  • Badge of Devastation will now generate more ultimate charge when triggered
  • It should no longer be possible to stack the effect from Gunslinger’s Mark more than once

En plus des changements ci-dessus, les développeurs cherchent à corriger les problèmes suivants :

  • When loading into the game for the first time after a patch the Shields and Armor on a javelin will be incorrect. The first time a player enters and exits
  • Freeplay or any other activity the issue will fix itself.
  • Players are not receiving their level 20 Match Consumables. Players were granted item blueprints instead of the recipes when they hit this level previously.
  • Some players may experience audio crackling while in Fort Tarsis.
  • There may be some instances where players are unable to quit out of a Quickplay mission through the map UI.
  • A number challenges may not be tracking properly, such as the objectives under the “Legendary Freelancer” challenge.
  • Some players may encounter a bug where they are unable to interact with any objects or players.
  • Visual effects on javelin thrusters are not functioning properly while stormy weather is present in game.
  • Inactivity messages may not be able to be dismissed after a player returns from being away.
  • There are a number of Origin error messages that some PC players may encounter, including Origin showing that it is offline when it actually online.
  • The UI may not display events for some players when an event has spawned nearby in Freeplay.
  • There is a bug where armor pips can change in between activities. This is both a display and gameplay issue.
Robin Bouquet
Raiden Robin  - Journaliste

Fan de nombreux types de jeux, j'accroche surtout quand il faut faire souffrir ses méninges et peaufiner son gameplay. Des raids WoW, je suis passé aux CRPG, puis des tacticals aux 4X, mais aussi les jeux FromSoftware.

christophe thouvenin il y a 5 ans

Vous embêtez pas à traduire surtout !!! Je me débrouille en anglais mais c'est peut être pas le cas pour tout le monde !

christophe thouvenin il y a 5 ans

Vous embêtez pas à traduire surtout !!! Je me débrouille en anglais mais c'est peut être pas le cas pour tout le monde !


En Continu

11:57 Pour moins de 1 euro, vous pouvez récupérer ce jeu de tir en monde ouvert révolutionnaire, mais tout aussi scandaleux sur le PS Store
10:48 Ce MMO est mort depuis 2 ans, il a été un des plus gros gâchis de ces dernières années, mais on sait maintenant pourquoi le jeu a fermé...
12:13 La sentence est tombée : le projet "Anthem Next" est définitivement abandonné
13:23 Anthem sera-t-il totalement abandonné en 2021 ? Réponse cette semaine
10:43 Anthem : Bioware confirme la refonte du jeu
18:15 Anthem Cataclysm arrive sur le serveur de test public PC
15:51 Anthem n'est plus la priorité de BioWare
15:01 Anthem : Une nouvelle forteresse accompagne la mise à jour 1.1.0
10:43 Anthem détaille le contenu de sa mise à jour du 8 avril
11:10 Anthem sera fluidifié grâce au DLSS de Nvidia dans la prochaine mise à jour



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à découvrir

Anthem : Liste des armes magistrales & légendaires
Anthem : On vous dit tout sur l'équipement magistral
Guide Anthem : Liste des Inscriptions et explications